Saturday, June 30, 2012

A rough week

After a week of being ill, I'm still not 100%. It's hard when I have poor sleep and the virus is still lingering. Kate still has a bit of a cough. Jake's nose became leaky when we stopped medicating him. My body just feels creaky and my temperature crept up again suddenly yesterday.

I want to put on record how a typically bad night goes in our household. 

10pm: Jake is already asleep and we put Kate to sleep. Depending on how tired or not she is, this task is a challenge or a breeze. 

11pm: I try to go to sleep. 

1am: Jake cries. I feed him and he goes back to sleep, usually quite quickly. Though from just laying him down some weeks back, this boy now needs a bit of cajoling. I either have to pat him, or hold him longer and the pacifier is a must. If I put him down too quickly, his eyes snap open. I hydrate myself and do a toilet break and rush back to bed.

2am: Kate wakes up crying. She cries for milk, cries because she is itching (her eczema is pretty bad. The poor girl) and pretty much is extremely whiney. The husband and I tag to take care of her, whether it's preparing milk and/or coaxing her to continue to lay in bed. Scratching her back works pretty well and I usually go lay in her bed and after some time, she will drift back to sleep again. I startle awake some time later and head back to my own bed and crash.

3am: Jake cries. I feed him the pacifier and hope that he goes back to sleep. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. If he's very restless, he will only stay comforted with the pacifier and cry out again 5-10 minutes later. I give in and feed him. 

430am: Jake cries. Again, I do the pacifier trick but if it's a bad night, it will not work and I know it. I will feed him and persevere with the pacifier game. These days, because he knows how to flip, I find him struggling to find a comfortable position. Sometimes he falls asleep mid-flip, or he's flipped and looking doefully at me. Else he's prone and I figure he's fallen asleep after he's flipped over.

5am: Jake cries (again!) I have tried putting him into the sarong (he loves it in the day) but strangely, it doesn't work when it's dark. The trick to get him to then sleep properly is to hug him to sleep and because by this time, my brain is muggy, my eyes unable to focus and that thumping sound is not any disco beat but that of my throbbing headache, I just find the most comfortable position I manage to and we both sleep with him in the crook of my arm. 

6am: I wake up with a sore arm and try to shift him away. Mistake. He wakes up and starts to cry. I feed again. He may or may not go back to sleep, though he is usually more wakeful by now. He flips and looks around. I turn on the hanging mobile to entertain him and lay down. Praying that he doesn't cry so I can just lay in peace. 

6.30am: The husband wakes up and I hear him preparing for work. I feel suicidal from the horrible headache. There was one morning when the husband entered the room and found Jake looking extremely alert in tummy-time position. He was amused. I could barely muster strength to blink. 

7am: It is time for me to end Mommy duty and begin my day job. GROANS.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

4 months old

Happy four months, my dear baby Jake. I love you so much.

Monday, June 25, 2012


That's Jake's mandarin name - 谢政衡 (Xie Zheng Heng).

He turned 4 months old according to the lunar calendar yesterday and the MIL went to great lengths to cook up a storm and did some prayers. Followed by this "ceremony" of sorts to induct Jake to the "world of food".

The little man wore a chain of "money biscuits"
It was a bit tricky tying the string and (haha) guess he wasn't too happy about it
A giant chicken drumstick for the little man

A lot of it may be superstitions, you may say, but hey. It doesn't hurt the child and it's sometimes fun to keep up with these traditions, especially if it makes the elders happy. So according to this ceremony, my little man is now ready to devour food ("ready", but I'm not anxious to start him on semi-solids till he's 6 months), and he will breeze through teething.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


Come on, visit the site and contribute to this fun and meaningful cause already! Go now!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Scenes from our home

The picture that shows their o_O eyes quite obviously
Breakfast at Nainai's. When jiujiu still had his achey wisdom tooth - evidently clear from his face
JENGA! Awesome investment by the sister - great for family fun. Kate's a natural. Love Jon's face. 
Nainai & Jake. Pic by Kate.
She sleeps life on the edge.
Showing off her work to Jake proudly.
All smiles! Love it.
2.5hours of me-time (facial & massage). So I enjoyed the gift 3 months late, but what mattered was how much better I felt afterwards. Bliss.
The day we brought Jake out to town. 
The morning the husband sent me to work along with the kids. I was very happy.
Awake Jake. This was probably at some unearthly hour. He still favours waking up at 5am plus/minus. Groans.
Jenga again. The two-men-challenge.
They made it very tall. And shaky.
This is the child version of board games. Everyone plays Kate's game of piecing bits of puzzles together to form a human form. Kate always wins.
The day Kate went baking again. Thanks to the best babysitters one can ask for.
I was told she decorated all the cupcakes. Very proud of this little enthusiast.
Sugar. She obviously loves it!
We welcomed Kitty-Grimace for Yiyi.
My son sticks his tongue out at me. How rude! (Ok, it was just a randomly cute face hah) 
Kate insisted on bringing her princess bag to nainai's house. 
Mid-way, she stops and says "I'm tired. Need to change (hands)" haha!
I dunno what they are doing but it brings a smile to my face. 
Bullied by Barney (hehe)
Minnie Kate
Kate sprouted rashes across her face suddenly last night. Freaked! Me! Out! It subsided after a while - huge relief. Her flu is still not any better, it seems. GO AWAY YOU *beep* VIRUS!

My baby boy, Jake

Jake turns 4 months on Sunday, according to the "Chinese" calendar, my MIL reminded me today. And according to the "English" calendar (the one I know), he turns 4 months in 4 days. How time flies. I wouldn't say that it passed in a blur, cos I do remember the un-fun moments and I'm not going to lie and say that it's ALL fun now (the night feeds are not easy and I'm still forever-tired). But there's a lot of good, more than the not-so-great and I still can't believe that my son is no longer a newborn (the clothes say so. He's promoted to the 3-6 months) and second time round, I still feel thrilled when my boy accomplishes milestones and I'm able to savour it more. Maybe because I can anticipate it and appreciate how amazing developments are in a human person. And I'm no less proud of him and how well he's growing.

About 10 days ago, this little boy decided that he likes to sleep on his side. 
He can pretty much sleep anywhere. This pram we purchased for Kate 3 years ago is totally being put to great use. Yay.
He fits well into a bumbo now and loves to be upright. Bumbo is recycled too. Yay. 
Love his toothless grin and slitty eyes (eyes just like his sister and father)
He is still entertained by the safari play-mat
Guess it does bore him at times (heh)
Kungfu arm - he has been arching his body this way for agesssss (before my trip to Phuket more than a month ago) before he actually did the FLIP on June 19th. That's 8days shy of him turning 4 months.

"meh" face. He's inherited the (fishball) face from me (same with Kate) and his eyes look slightly swollen here. May be due to the medicine. This little boy is on meds for the 3rd time in his life. That's on average once every month. Poor boy. First was from his finger infection (boo to me), next was his flu infection (boo to Kate) and now it's flu again (Kate again). Sigh. On the bright side, he must surely be building plenty of antibodies right? (sigh)

I love his smile. Don't you think his face is totally different when he smiles?

The husband and I noticed that Jake likes to keep his hands near his face and we wonder if it's to keep his pacifier in place? Could it be that he knows? But anyway, this pic demonstrates that he can hold a light bottle on his own. Jake started being bottle-fed earlier than Kate (I went back to work earlier - not by choice). I wonder if this partly attributes to him being lazier (maybe not). I've had several bouts of panic attacks concerned episodes where he refused to latch the boob. I'm not giving up though and thanks to the husband for supporting my decision. However, with him, I do feel more assured feeding him from a bottle because I can monitor how much he's drinking. His appetite is double that of Kate's (150ml now) and though my milk supply is not any problem so far, I just don't wish to be starving him especially since I can't see how much he's drinking from the boob. 
This shot is just to show how he crosses his feet. He likes to do it. Just like Kate.
And to end off, I love this pic by yiyi. Love my baby boy. 

Friday, June 22, 2012


It's for a great cause and plenty of fun. This was what I managed to accomplish for today. Spread the fun and love!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sick family

(Clockwise,from left) Jake's medicine, mine and Kate's