Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ping pong

To the sister... all the silly, fun, funny times we spent on ping-pong... will be sorely missed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Not often that the husband is openly affectionate, so am really pleased! It takes effort to make things work, for everyone to be happy and well. These things, though little, mean the world to me. Love!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy 6 months, dear boy

Jake is 6 months old today!

He drinks 180ml of milk each feed (it lasts him 4 hours). Two weeks ago, I introduced him to Rusks and he thoroughly enjoyed them. He'd squeal in protest when he dropped it (poor co-ordination from hand to mouth) and pretty much yell the house down when the biscuit's finished. I've allowed him probably no more than two full Rusks since (half at each occasion) and with the way he's been eyeing people eating and him swallowing his saliva, I'll say that he's about ready to start semi-solids. I've done the first step of purchasing him a box of baby cereal, will try it out when I'm home and not working soon. As of now, he's on 90% breast milk and after my supply scare some months ago, everything seems to be on track again. I'll keep going and perhaps am able to drop the formula feed if everything goes well. We'll see.


With all that milk he's consuming,  this little boy is looking really sturdy. He has mini baby biceps and his thighs (!) are definitely well, impressive. They don't only look big, they are extremely strong and functional too! Maybe it's a boy thing, but he has been impressing me with his psycho-motor developments - from rather early on, he could hold his head up steadily. He graduated to doing tummy time and held his head up for long stretches and while he still needs to learn control of moving his arms, it actually "thumps" (hurts) when he flings them about.

Tummy time. Pic taken on 6 June, when Jake was 3mths+

His most recent accomplishment was to leopard crawl! Even before he was 6 months! I was terribly impressed! He is now able to sit in the walker quite comfortably and just a few days ago, he sat in a high chair when we were out dining. I cannot believe how fast he's growing.

In his baby throne.

He's fascinated by sights and sounds and loves to be out and about. He'll reach his hands out to grab anything that catches his fancy and thump away! He's still not that co-ordinated generally though, so he'll get very mad if things don't go his way.

Learning to play

Jake's temperament is generally milder overall, though I've said this before and I'll say it again, this man is a lot fiercer when it comes to expressing his displeasure. And he is an angry little bugger when provoked! *ggrr  He'll swing his arms strongly and wildly to express his displeasure, arch his back fiercely, crumple his face and tear the house down!

But when he's happy (in the mornings, or when he's been fed and sated) he gives you a tease of his toothless smile and his face changes completely - from what the sister calls his "meh" face, into the most adorable face!


He's quite impatient and I don't want to imagine how much of a ruckus the house will be in when he and his sister get into fights.

Little muscle man looking the part *kapow*

Dear Jake,

It's been a roller-coaster ride the past 6 months. I hope that you are enjoying yourself being part of our little family. Mommy is a lot busier with everything, in general, compared to when I only had one child before; but that doesn't mean that I care any bit less. In fact, I feel that I need to have double the eyes and hands and legs and time so that I don't miss out on any part of your growth and development. You are a joy and I love you with all my heart (and more!). I just wish that you will sleep better at night time. We'll get a hang of this together. I hope you will grow up to be a confident, happy gentleman and I treasure each day with you. Sometimes, I still cannot believe that I have a son. You're a lot more fun now that you're interacting and I look forward to the days ahead where we'll just have more fun times together. I know Kate will be thrilled to have someone to boss play with!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


Nelly Furtado LIVE at RWS, 14 August 2012
The husband and I are so fortunate to have the help of my mother to help with the kids at night while we sneak out for some couple time. Yay!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dear Jake

Dear Jake,

This is your Mother speaking. I wish you will look me in the eye more when I talk to you. I know I don't spend the most time with you comparatively but it hurts when I'm not your preferred. I know, I know, I know I cannot think that way but I can't help myself.

I wish that I knew how to kick your nasty sleeping habits at night time. You wake up so often and don't seem to be changing for the better. This really tires me out; and everyone else in the house for that matter. And today, your father raised a good point - if we don't appease you, you must be feeling miserable too. And that made me sad. I'm sad that I don't know how to attend to your needs as well as I ought to be, because if I did, you must be happier no? But then again, perhaps I should be proud that you're such a strong baby to know what you want (and don't want) and boy do you let us know of it loud and clear.

Having a second child may seem easier because I've done it before, but the truth is, the whole experience just seems easier cos it's more familiar, but it's still nothing like before. Because you are your own person, just like Kate is hers, and because of that, the entire experience is unique. I'm juggling new issues and new challenges with you because there are so many other factors involved in bringing a life into this world.

A passer-by commented "so cute" as I was carrying you. I smiled, and she frowned when you kept whining and semi-crying. I knew that you were sleepy and my smile became strained as I rocked you, willing you to become comfortable and go to sleep. She smiled and said "being a mother, you must be very patient. I have 4 and now 3 grandchildren". 

I have become more patient after becoming a mother. But with more responsibilities, I've also developed a shorter fuse. I'm reminded that you're still a baby (albeit a fierce one), and that you are not that difficult to look after. I just need to remember that you are not a chore, but my child, one who I love to be with even if it's to tend to your basic needs. Because if I were not to do it wholeheartedly for you, my child, then who do I give my all to?

My child, I really love you so much and that's why it hurts. Mommy is still learning how to do the best for you, though I can assure you it's my best I'm giving.

Watching over you forever

Love, Mommy


Nope, not a typo. It's a word conjured by the sister.

Her post is too beautiful not to share.

I'm so blessed to have you as a sister, and my children are totally blessed to have their favourite nainai, favourite yeye, somewhat a disciplinarian jiujiu, maccas-influenced Uncle Jon and you as their favourite yiyi.

Much love

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hand-painting fun

Kate learnt about hand-painting through watching Hi5. I thought that it’d be a fun activity for her to engage in. I also thought it’d be very messy, but since I have help these days, I am more willing to let her play with mess. I was out at the shops and got some paint and on a suitable idle Friday (my off day), I took it out and it was precious watching Kate’s face light up with pleasure and delight! I didn’t allow her to mix the colours though (so awful) so I let her try one colour only and it was good enough for her.

First you dip your hand in

Then you put your hand on the paper


Looking very pleased with herself and the work

Jake looks on (I can't imagine the day both of them start doing this simultaneously. I think I may have to newspaper the whole house from floors to walls and perhaps the ceiling too
Many pink hands

Paint on her cheek (& hair & clothes & ...)

Totally worth it to see how delighted she is!

The second time we handpainted and we ended up with many blue hands around the house

Watching her play with mess really made me happy. She thoroughly enjoys herself and it keeps her occupied for at least an hour+. I think the next time we whip this out, we’ll start making footprints too!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Those who know me will know that I don't like raisins. I don't know why. I mean, I can eat them. I just don't like to. So I avoid foods with them like fruit cake, rum and raisin ice-cream... though in recent years, I'm less particular about consuming them. Maybe cos I'm too lazy to be mindful of picking them out of my foods, I make Kate learn to share by eating her raisins and well, just because.

With Kate and the husband picking their breakfast before me ended up in the unfortunate (for me) state of me left with the raisin bread.

In my more diligent and particular moods, I pick out the raisins.

But! This post isn't about how gross the random raisins look (heh). It's about the conversation I had with Kate - at the point of me packing my breakfast and seeing that I was left with the lonesome raisin bread, I let out a loud wail and went "arghhh I don't like this raisin bread! Why is it left for me? I don't like raisins!"

Kate looks up from eating her breakfast and says to me "but raisins very nice you know!"
Me: I don't like raisins!
Kate: But raisins very nice!
Me: I don't like raisins!
Kate: But raisins very nice!

So funny this little girl. Heh.

Monday, August 13, 2012

My baby little

Once upon a time, when Jake was still merely a seedling, I named him baby little. I didn't know his gender yet, I didn't know anything about him except that he was a seedling and I also remember the husband thinking me silly to call him that. It's stuck and I don't think there's anything wrong with what I used to refer to him as.

Then when we knew he was a boy, the husband and I were elated. We only had one unanimous decision for what to name if we had a son and I'm glad we could use what we decided upon. (We were lucky such that we only had a girl's name when I was pregnant with Kate - lucky us!)

Today, my baby little is no longer that little, in a literal sense. He is exactly 5 months, 2 weeks and 3 days old.

Jake has found his thumb. And pointer. And truth is, he'll stuff all 5 fingers in his mouth, or attempt to. His gums are imprinted with the outline of his bottom two teeth and he will sprout them really, really soon! We stopped giving him the pacifier so now, amidst his constant drool, he stuffs his fist into his mouth. He was on the pacifier for about 3 months, from the time he was 2 months to about 2 weeks ago. We made him quit it. 

Jake can sit in the bumbo chair. He leans to a side, not fully supporting his weight, but straight enough. He doesn't really like the chair though. He arches his back sharply and I worry that he'd pop out and bump his head. When he is contented to sit in it, he just watches us buzz about him and can be content gnawing on something we hand to him. 

Jake now drinks 180ml of milk comfortably each feed. It lasts 4 hours until his next feed. He still wakes up in the night  (groans) several times. I hope it will get better soon. 

Jake loves his sister (the feeling is mutual). That's what I think, anyway. I know so because his face lights up when she talks to him, he keeps his eyes fixated on her when she moves, and they play together already. Kate entertains him by tickling his face, playing peekaboo, hugging and kissing him and singing to him. I love watching them able to interact with each other. I know they'd begin to squabble and all that in time to come, but I think it's lovely to have them siblings bond with each other. I have great siblings and we love each other (hanging out) and it's awesome. I want Kate and Jake to have that kinda awesome relationship too. 

My little muscle man! Haha, love this pic. Isn't he cute?  Little heavyweight in the 75th percentile. At last weigh, he was 8.1kg.

With all the gnawing on inedible stuff, I figured he should be able to eat something. He had his first taste of Rusks (baby biscuits) two days ago and he loved it! He isn't adept at putting the biscuit into his mouth accurately all the time and when he drops the biscuit, he starts to yell murder. He keeps sucking and is aware that there's a new taste in his mouth. 
The latest development of tonight is that he can leopard crawl! It's amazing! He has these strong thighs and I'm glad that he's putting them to good use! Hope I manage to capture a good video of him in action. We have to start child-proofing the house further soon!

In the blink of an eye, our lives have settled into sort of a schedule. There are days that I cannot catch my breath, days that I yell and wanna do nothing but cry due to the frustration and fatigue that I feel. There are also moments that make me tear, when my heart feels like it's a volcano, erupting with all the love and happiness I feel when I'm with my beloved husband, daughter and/or son. But whether it's good times, not-so-good times, fun times or un-fun times, I have a good thing going on and I'm very blessed.

Dear Jake, 

You are a sweetheart beneath that impatient grumpy exterior. I think it's a man thing. My heart lights up when you crack into that flitting smile. I feel immense joy when you respond to me and want me to carry you. I don't like it when you cry and cry - surely we should be able to read you better by now? Or it may just be you telling us loudly and very clearly that we're just not serving you well enough *wry face. I love you my darling baby little, it's been quite a ride and with you developing so well, being more interactive with each passing day, I know we have plenty more beautiful moments to share together.

Love, Mommy

Peanut steps

I had to take a water break at the 10 minute-mark, and my lungs were overworked majorly! Thought I was going to collapse. But I did it. More than my initial thought of 2.4km. The good bit was the weights I did afterwards. Yay.


Dark Knight. Such an awesome movie! Thoroughly enjoyed it. The last movie that the husband and I caught was "The Avengers"... about 3 months ago. Thanks to my mommy dearest who helped with the kids!

And on the same note of being out with the husband, I was going through old pictures and found these similar-ish ones of the husband and I.
Krabi, July 2012.

Koh Samui, March 2008. This was our mini honeymoon after our wedding.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hitting the pool

It was my Friday off and I was lazing at home with the children while exchanging some texts with the sister. She was going for a swim and asked "do you want to come?" After some very quick calculations of logistics in my head (Can we make it? What must I do? What time is Jake's next feed? Are the kids sleepy?) I replied "ok!"

And off we went! Within half an hour of that last text, we were on our way. It was quite a good outing, I must say. Save for a little scare that Kate had, she had plenty of fun playing in the kiddy pool with all her toys. It was Jake's first time at the pool and his initial reaction was that of slight shock. But we encouraged him to kick and waddle and he did pretty good! At least he seemed comfortable enough in the water so I'm glad. Kate also got over her little hiccup and I managed to coax her to do some kicking and splashing about out of the "safe baby area only".

Waiting for our ride

Jake getting excited - it was his first time at the pool!

The hand-me-down suit fit him perfect

My pretty princess

Getting some sun felt good (*ugh bad pic with the finger!)

Thanks to the sister with her impromptu suggestion, we all had fun!


VIP tics to Snow Patrol on 7 August 2012. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

National Day Parade

Singapore turns 47 this August 9th and the husband managed to score tickets, not to the actual parade, but for the preview the week before. It was good enough for us as we really wanted to bring Kate to the parade for her to watch the fanfare and all.

Kate insisted on changing out of a red and white ensemble which I had ready for her. She wanted to wear something "nice nice" and chose this pink dress instead. Even after she witnessed the sea of red & white, she still responded firmly "I still want to wear this pink dress" when I asked her if she'd preferred to have worn something red & white. This girl loves her pink, I tell you.

Excited and happy to be out. At the gates.

Heading towards the floating platform. 

Fire hazard!
The picture above pretty much summed up how crowded the whole place was. Truth is, I wasn't surprised at the amount of people because I can figure out the amount of people there will be to celebrate the nation's birthday within the floating platform, but I was more astounded at how suffocating and non-condusive the process of getting there (& out) was.

Yes, that's the &%^# face we felt having to squeeze amidst the crowds.

And there was air! I must say that the view is pretty amazing. What with MBS, Singapore Flyer, the whole sea of red and white truly made the whole place festive!

One of my favourite parts of the parade every year. 

The other favourite part of the parade, Singapore flag fly-by. This year, it was made very special. Not just because it's been perhaps 10 years that I attended the Parade (I vaguely remember attending it with my mom when I was in Secondary school maybe? It was then held at the National Stadium), but also that I was with my daughter. Despite the everything that's said about the nation, I know that I'm fortunate to be living here safe with all my loved ones. It was even cuter because Kate's latest favourite song is Majulah Singapura and she thoroughly enjoyed singing the anthem alongside the crowd. 
And that was pretty much the only time she calmly watched the parade, i.e. when the anthem was played and her singing along. The truth is, the husband and I were very disappointed that she was quite terrified most of the time being there. Kate never really liked loud noises and microphones and loud speakers frighten her. And with the loud planes zooming by, the emcees shouting and cheering the crowds on... let's just say she was quite stressed and made it known very loudly to us (and everyone in the vicinity) that "I WANT TO GO HOME!"

The husband and I took turns carrying her throughout the entire parade because we made it this far and we could not believe that she just wanted to leave! It was tiresome and truly, though the husband and I both hadn't been to the parade for many years, I must say that we didn't enjoy ourselves. It's kinda hard to be with a terrified child clinging on to you for her dear life. Project-bring-Kate-to-NDP-fail.

But! A family picture is still a must. 

The fireworks were nice, but by this time, we'd stepped out of the platform and watched from the ground. It wasn't as impactful as I'd have preferred. Things we do to protect our child. (By this time, Kate was quite calm and determinedly instructed her father to "protect! me!" when the fireworks were blasting away. By that, she meant for him to help cup her ears)

At the parade with my baby
What an experience. Happy national day, Singapore!