Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Such luxury

To be able to sleep & wake up uninterrupted. We all know as much as we love our kids to death, that alone time is precious & much savoured *thankful (& I'm not going to scare the world of taking a pic of my morning face, but I have a mask sheet slapped on too!)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Impromptu BBQ night on Friday - perfect way to start the weekend. Yummy, unhealthy food!

Saturday is a day of double-dates: first a movie date with the sister & her boyfriend followed by dinner & drinks with the bestie & her hubby.

Today is lazy, wet Sunday and I'm packing for my short-away-trip & between that, some huggles with my baby Kate.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Someone shares the same happy sentiment that the weekend is near!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dear Jake

Dear Jake, 

In a couple of day's time, you will turn 14 months. 

People who see you exclaim that you're "so cute!" & "such a big boy!" & are surprised that you're only 14 months old. I think it's mostly because you are indeed very adorable, and while I don't think that you're particularly big physically, I think people forget how little you are because you are walking. You have amazed us all with your exceptional psychomotor skills and I still get such a kick out of you waddling around with your fat diaper butt and teeny feet. You're growing up so quick!

Your personality is pretty much different from Kate's – you're definitely a lot more chillax than she is, very "man". Your favourite thing in the world has got to be going gaigai and every day, you are the first to head and reach the door, holding onto your shoes and waiting to be "let out". 

First in line
Unfortunately, we cannot bring you everywhere we go and oh boy, do you cry the house down when you're left behind! Poor boy – but really, dear ah boy, you truly cannot possibly be out all day – the day will come when you're independent enough to be heading out anytime all day so until then, be patient ok? 

You are truly an angel when we do bring you out. You love just sitting comfortably in the pram and looking about – observing the world go by, yelling out "bird!" when you spot them. You're not very clear in your speech yet -  you say these more clearly – Papa (in the sweetest way - I'm admittedly jealous!), mum mum (food), ball, bird, bye bye (with a wave), oh-oh (you say these at the right time always – after a mishap or doing something you know you're not meant to!) hi, murk (milk). And these we have come to understand – too (shoe), neh–not (cannot), pear (please), bad (bread), nehnai (nainai), yahyah (yeye), eeee (for both a stink or yiyi), tear (Tess), far-rer (flower). 

Your comprehension is pretty good – you understand what we want of you though you choose only to execute when your mood is right. And you know to ask for milk when you want it, you point to the yaoyao when you want to sleep, you point to the kitchen cupboards asking for biscuits/snacks, you are able to identify people (Papa, Mommy, Nainai, Yeye, Mama, Cheche, Aunty Tess, Yiyi), and some body parts (head, nose). You recently learnt how to dance and the way you cock your head to the side and move your body is hilarious!

You are a true boy who endeavours to destroy things. I'm not sure how much of this is intentional – perhaps you just have great strength – but besides nearly causing your sister to bald (by pulling her hair so hard!), you also spoil things by throwing them on the ground or mishandling them with your brute strength (you are either very strong for a one-year-old, or all toys must surely not be hardy enough). We have broken aeroplanes, or toys that no longer make music because of you. Also why we have aptly named you "the destroyer". 

Your three favourite people in the world has to be your Papa, Cheche and Nainai. I love watching you and Kate hug and play with each other. You follow her about, she follows you around, and I really look forward to the times when both of you will be able to interact more with each other and be there for each another in years to come, forever.

One of your favourite people in the world
You have a nasty temper and I hope you find a way of expressing your frustration better. Truly, at one, you really don't hold back when you are upset. You scream and cry (very loudly), you sit down and throw a fit, your teardrops fall down your face in big water droplets – oh, the drama!

Throwing a spat
Your sleeping pattern is still not ideal – you go to bed by 9pm after a bottle, and you wake up for another feed between 1-2am. On a good night, you wake up at 5-6am for the next feed and you're usually up after. On a bad night, you will be awake at 4am and you wish to play. Horror! I am leaving Papa to look after you at night time (with the help of Aunty Tess) because I am just too tired. We've had our time together in your first year when I was breastfeeding you!

You are a beautiful boy with a ready cheeky smile and everyone who meets you is charmed – even when you're all sweaty and hot. 

I love you, my sweaty cheeky lil boy

I love you my baby boy. Happy 14-months-old.

Love always, Mommy

Terrific Thursday

The kids were up and done with breakfast, and the weather was fine. I decided that they could walk me as I left the house this morning.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kate says

Story one
Kate and I were playing on the bed and she accidentally knocks me on the head. She says "sorry" at the same time I rub my head and ask "ouch! Why you nair say sorry?"

She stops bouncing about, looks at me and says, matter of factly, "I said sorry already."

Story two
The mother has been staying with us since last week due to some renovations at her home. Her presence is much welcomed and loved by all. The kids, especially love their nainai and its non-stop nainai-ing the moment they see her really.

So Kate and I were in her bedroom (I think I was dressing her post-bath) and we had this random conversation.

K: I am princess. Nainai is princess. Who is queen?
Me: I am the queen!
K: Nooo ...
Me: but I wanna be the queen!
K: I am princess, yiyi is princess. Mommy and nainai is queen ok?
Me: ok!

Story three
I was watching YouTube videos with her one day and she was thrilled (to be watching YouTube videos), and even more so (I like to think) to share the video with me.

An ad pops up before the video and late says to me, "you wait ok? You be patient and wait - see? Now you can click already then we can watch already."

I had no idea what she was talking about until she explained it to me. This clever little girl has worked out that you can "skip ad" after a few seconds & get on with your life!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Jake and his shoes

At 13+ months old, little Jake demonstrated that besides showing his pleasure/displeasure very clearly through his laughter, nonchalance or anger, he also has preference for his footwear.

Not clothes, but his shoes.

Perhaps it is because he is such an out-going baby (read: a baby who loves to gaigai) - that putting on his shoes is akin to going out.

I noticed this probably a couple of weeks ago, where he will pick out this particular pair of shoes. I don't particularly like it because they are covered and I prefer the kids to put on socks with covered shoes or their feet will stink, and it is a hassle to put on socks & shoes when we are merely going down to the shops for like, ten minutes. This pair of shoes is also soft & flimsy so if it were covered shoes, I rather pick another pair that is sturdier and better for baby's feet. Otherwise, basic sandals that are easy to slip-on and airy are the way to go - convenient.

So, back to this pair of shoes he fancies. He will specifically pick this pair of shoes out and ask for it to be put on. And we know this for sure because just a few days back, Jake already had shoes on and that did not stop him from bringing his fave pair of shoes to us and nodding his little head with the shoes in his hands and sat down happily with his feet stuck out when the husband asked if he wanted to wear those shoes.

He is too cute.

Top pic: his sandals, bottom pic: his favourite pair of shoes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sisters alike

We don't need to be twins to be alike, much. Random bruises at the same time at randomly-same part of the hand with no inkling why/when we were hurt.

Happy birthday, Mom

This is the woman who shaped me to the woman I am today. She has given me her life, her strength, her energy & time. Till now, when I'm an adult, she continues to give - her lovely cooking, her love, her all. My kids are so fortunate that they are able to enjoy and be embraced by this special love that only Mom is capable of, they love their special nainai.

Happy birthday, Mommy. I love you very much!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Carefree like a child

Child's play. Uncensored laughter & joy to run around.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Recap of me-time

In my last post, I shared about how thankful I was/am about being able to go on this solo holiday. Honestly, while I was toggling whether it was the best decision to go, I absolutely have no regrets about it. On one hand, while I recognise that it was selfish (given that the kids will always need me/a person to care for them; and they were ill just before I left; and the husband had an assignment to submit...); I really think that it was such a good break and I had time to be alone, do nothing/something/silly things; and spend time with the sister.

Many years ago, the sister and I talked about going on a holiday - just us two - and while that hadn't happened yet (we wanted to do Hawaii), I think this trip is sorta a good preview to many more good times we can share.

There were so many highlights in the trip - every moment along the way was so fun and great that I really cannot pinpoint ONE key highlight. Truth is, having the sister & her boyfriend along was a blessing and I'm lucky that I had their company and the whole break was just awesome.

Beautiful weather, awesome company, ginormous spread - we were in such a good place.
Sister silliness - laughs and spontaneity
In awe of nature
Re-living child's play
The blue house - the perfect spot for perfect pictures
Nightfall - King's Park
Healthy living daily
Special place, special sisters, special bond
Treat at Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant
Thank you for being my sister
Thanks to lovely meimei Jos who so generously shared her home with us

Thursday, April 18, 2013


One hour to go and I board the aeroplane, on the flight back home.

The past five days have been nothing short of amazing and I am so thankful for them. Thankful to the husband who gave me the green light to go on this holiday. Thankful to the sister and the boyfriend who were around that brought much convenience, great company, laughter and so-much-fun to our time. Thankful to the mother, who selflessly volunteered her help with the children in my absence. Thankful to my friends who made time to meet with me.

And finally, thankful for my sister - she who I can speak to, confide in, laugh with, shop with, eat with and be with. I know that I'm not the easiest person to get along with (sometimes) but I'll never ever hurt her or anyone intentionally and I really am glad that I have such an awesome relationship with her.

This holiday was such a luxury and I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy it.

I'm recharged and happy and looking forward to going home, to be a wife, a daughter and a mother.

Friday, April 12, 2013


This is another fruit of my husband's labour. While I was rather taken aback by how much crawlies there were from this plant alone, it's still rather amazing that we reaped our first bitter gourd! My husband totally has green fingers (though we did have sunflower and other plants which...)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Last three days

In two day's time, I'm going to end a journey in my current work place.

I remember, more than two years ago, I was full of excitement, anticipation and hope when I first started. 

This journey has been mostly fun, made bearable with the support network I have gained through my tenure here. I leave on a super high, because of timing and honestly, I'm still so ingrained in the work that I nearly feel wistful that I'll not be here to follow this through. But I'll be back to stand at the finishing line and watch this in all its glory, so I'm still part of it all.

I'm thankful for all the experiences I have gained, lessons I have learnt, and most of all, the friends I have made.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Things I do when I'm off work

I had a couple of days off work last week and it was nice, being able to do my own things, doing things with the kids, and just having time.

Head to the market with everyone in tow and silence feed them with food. Someone's grumpy because he's finished with his biscuit and wants more.
Bring the daughter down to wait for her school bus. Someone's found a way to entertain herself when the bus was grossly late.
Capture the siblings loving each other. Such sights truly warm my heart.
Watch the son have breakfast like a boss.
Bring the daughter out for some solo time and treat me us to some dessert.
Head to the park for some evening play
Watch them enjoy themselves on the swings
Marvel at how the son is a mini person and no longer a wehwehbaby when he can hold his own on this horsey thingy
Have a girly sleepover (there are 5 in this pic) when the husband has his friends over till late.

To my mother

A family who loves, laughs, eats, plays and be silly together. Thank you, with all my heart, for being the superwoman that you are, for loving us and being so selfless in being the best mother anyone can ever wish for. Thank you for being so loving and generous as a grandmother, my kids are lucky and blessed and couldn't ask for more. We are how we are because of your mentorship, guidance and big heart. Happy birthday (in advance), Mommy dearest. Love forever & ever!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kate at work

July 2012: Kate drew her first face
July 2013: The husband calls them "potatoes"
March 2013: her people have evolved to include arms & legs. Rather cute, I say!
I started getting her to write letters. Capital letters are easier somehow.

Writing "K"
So proud of her - the first time she wrote her name! #thrilled #proudparent