Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A very special day in my life - my wedding proposal

Today, I re-discovered this youtube link that (finally) works!

I'm re-watching it and feeling absolutely delighted.
I remember that day and it was truly magical and I felt like the happiest and luckiest girl on the planet.

There are occasions in life that really makes you feel special and makes it to your best days EVER? Well, this definitely was one of them.

Are you weeping yet? 

It still brings tears to my eyes some days when I'm feeling emo. And I also watch it when I'm mad with the husband (hah). But really, this remains one of the best days in my life!

#feelingblessed #truelove

To truffle fries, BFFs and new members to our family very soon

A lovely evening with my BFFs. Stuffed ourselves silly with food, desserts and therapeutic conversations. Now, this pic is special because at our table of four, there are actually six heartbeats! Preggies on left-side of the picture. Come January, we'll have two more little ones! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happiness is... Spending time with loved ones

The weekend deserves mention because it was awesome. And it isn't possible without family. My mom for helping babysit K, and the fact that my siblings and I do want to spend some time together. Now, this may seem a "given" because well, we are family, aren't we? But from a recent conversation with a friend, I have discovered that its not true that family members actually spend time together. There are those who say they want to but never get around doing so, or those who just don't because they aren't close like that. But I digress...

So Friday started when I had a drink in the office at, what my colleague termed, beer o'clock. A glass of mojito made me smile. Even more so, when a few of us clinked our glasses to welcome the end of the workday. The cherry on top was the moment I heard my kids - yes, they had invaded my office! Thanks to the sister, who had picked them up from home and it felt so good to see them, even if they were at risk of destroying office property while running amok. 

Our original dinner plans of the siblings didn't materialise with the brother held up at work, but it was still a pleasant evening of blah food (made pleasant by the excellent company of the sister, and the adorably frustrating-what-do-I-do-with-or-without-you kids). We did a detour to pick the Mother up from her office after dinner (cue disappointment at the brother who never turned up) and then came the turn of events.

Giddy-up! The weekend is here!

The mother and the daughter came to a mutually agreeable arrangement where K would stay over at Grandma's. This translated into me having the night all to myself! (At this juncture, I should mention that the husband was already on his weekend with time with his boys).

So. After putting both kids to sleep (not literally), the sister and I headed out for a drink. At Zouk. Unbelievable, but true. I was out and about past 11pm and not dressed in my pyjamas!

Family love
Then Saturday was again another kick-ass day with us being lazy all day, bringing K for her swim class.

K making good progress in swim class
Mom cooked home-cooked dinner... then because the Mother so kindly took K again for the night, the sister, the husband and I managed to catch "Wolverine". But not before the sister and I consumed plenty of calories in a very comfortable home setting.

Avocado gula melaka, lychee martini, oreo cheesecake. Baileys and Earl Grey. 

Sunday saw us witnessing a very special milestone for the sister. We attended her baptism and I wish her  all the best in her new journey of constant discovery and good faith. We finished off the weekend with yet another round of coffee and cakes before having home-cooked dinner at Mom's.

Carpenter and Cook. Photo credit: the sister

Feeling so blessed!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday snapshots: Home with the kids

'twas a cloudy, rainy kinda morning and playing "touch" with Jake (that's the husband. I can't do that with the boy!) really tickled everyone much. (Touch game is basically lifting Jake high so that he can touch the light)

And when the boy went to nap, I took out the paints and let K play around with colours and brushes


Friday, July 26, 2013

Every good home will have a good man

More on the whole giving-thanks/ happy thoughts/ positive thinking groove, I want to mention the husband.

Truly, our love story is quite epic and I am very happy to regale it to anyone who will listen. But reality does hit and it isn't easy to remain "so in love" always. Doesn't mean that I don't want it though.

I do try to be level-headed and not overly-needy, because the truth is, I have little ones who need me. The home-eco-system needs me. I just hope that in areas where I lack (don't know how to iron, nor cook/ cranky tempers) I compensate well with my organisational skills, good heart and understanding nature.

Do I miss being carefree? Out drinking? Having leisurely dinners? Spending with no care nor concern over my expanding commitments? Of course. (Not so much the drinking, more the fact that I have total control over my time over what I want to do)

But all that is just water off a ducks' back because I am clear that I am a mother (by choice) and I ain't complaining about the lack of time to myself or the exasperation I feel when the kids get on my nerves. I know it's part of the deal and I'm fine with it trying to deal with it. Nearly 4 years in and you'll think it's second nature. Truth is, the whole responsibility really kicked in after we had Jake and moved to our own house. So, I'm happy to admit that it still overwhelms me at times.

What I miss most, are the conversations I have with my man. The time that he (used to) devote to me is now showered mostly upon the kids. Doesn't help that this "time" he has is greatly diminished with all that he has on his plate.

So to my man, don't forget to love me, to remind me that you love me because I just want to hear it even if you say it a thousand times over. We have come a long way from before and I want to keep it going always.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Strong Thursday

Been a while since we went on a morning run together, but we did so today #kickstartingmydaywith6km

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Jake goes around giving "hubs" and saying "goodnight" before he goes to bed. Can never tire of watching them love each other #heartmeltingmoments

Monday, July 22, 2013


I have been uninspired lately. I have been consumed by fatigue, hiccups, tantrums, work, insufficient TLC, lack of exercise, a painful twang in my foot... truly, the complaint list can go on and on and on...

But I am tired. Tired of feeling down. So I want to consciously focus on the happy things. Of the blessings that I own, that no one can take away from me.

So today, I start with the sister.

The sister is 7 years my junior (gawd, that makes me like, old).
But this age gap is less magnified now that she's past the schooling stage. It's a bit more level-playing field when we're out in the working force, and though we're not at the same life stages, I'm happy that we get along like BFFs.

We act silly. We laugh. We complain. We listen. We eat. We bitch. We love.

I can rely on her to help me with the kids when she's free, and it makes me relieved that she's at home with the parents. I'm happy that she confides in me and I am able to share my worldly experiences and opinions (hah). Truth is, I just love how we can talk to each other whenever about anything at all.

I chuckle to myself as I think about our random, late night conversations on whatsapp. I can act silly and not be afraid to share all my boliao-ness. And I know she won't judge me, nor me her. It's nice to have someone I can share things with. Small things, big things, nothing at all. It makes the world of difference when you just know that there is someone out there for you.

So, thank you, the sister for being my friend. For being there. And I hope this timely thanks to you, brings more clarity and relief to feeling better and happier. Cos I'm also always here for you.

#happythoughts #familyrocks

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday brunch

We have heard about PasarBella before, and I was quite keen to bring the family to check it out. So the chance came this morning and off we went!

I liked the vibe of the market place and it had this buzz that was nice. It was quite spacious and perhaps it was because we were there (too) early, many stalls were not ready and there were limited options for breakfast. The husband's preference for carbonara and pizza were not available from Da Paolo Gastronomia and their service left much to be fulfilled. We made do with a scone-and-coffee option at 1030am, and were told to come back for pizza and pasta at 11. When we did route back at that time, we were told to come back half an hour later. It was rather disappointing. I was also mildly annoyed with the service staff for not being clear with the offerings (though the terms & conditions were listed and I could have read it all more carefully but. still). The scone was mediocre (not warm enough and the cold butter could not melt properly for the oozy-buttery-scone-experience I wanted) but the coffee was at least decent except I wish it wasn't in a paper cup. 

We tried a bit of something from every stall that was ready for business. The beef pie and salad from Nibbles was not bad, though the pie was salty. The donut was, well, a regular donut (probably the least overpriced item at $2). I eyed the shortbread slice from Nibbles though I didn't get it in the end. The kebab from Shiraz was decent, the pork belly was yummy and the strawberry cheesecake from Bella Bakery was fine. Nothing was outstanding though, except their prices. 

I wouldn't mind going back again but it is probably better to go later for lunch/ late lunch/ dinner, when more stalls are operating. A couple of stalls we saw with people behind the counters were only there to prepare and weren't ready to serve yet. I can foresee a great deal of patience required if we were to go again too because of the limited seating capacity and its probably better sans kids. If we go again, I want to try the fresh oysters, paella from Le Patio and some wines and beers. And finish it off with too-many different options of desserts available - cookies, cupcakes, cakes...

Sour strawberry

Strawberry cheesecake - good, she says!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Art class

So last month, lucky me won a free trial to an art & craft session for K. I was quite happy because K loves craft and any form of exposure was more than welcome. It took us a while to fix a session with the school but it finally took place yesterday.

It was a nice hour of interaction, where K tried new methods of craft and being a noob with colours and art, I learnt about colours too! It was rather fun and a good way to spend time with K.

Within the one-hour class, Kate was introduced to background (a sunflower seed, what the sunflower is, looks like, colours) then she attempted two methods of drawing a sunflower.

Drawing a sunflower with crayons, on a piece of styrofoam board

Carving the sunflower (creating indent) with a sharp stick

Explaining about warm (red) and cool (blue) colours. I actually found this very interesting! Now I know which colours I can let K use so that they don't turn out murky and gross when she mixes them!

Painting the sunflower. K's favourite bit of the activity - mixing colours and filling the flower in 

Printing the painted flower on rice paper


The teacher was kind enough to let me try too. And this is my masterpiece

Picking out crayons for method 2 

Beautiful crayon colours

That's her sunflower

Kate's work


A happy girl showing off her sunflower works #proudparent

Friday, July 19, 2013

Racial Harmony Day

Please as punch to be dressed in a dress to go to school! It's such a treat in her opinion, Ms I-wanna-wear-a-dress-everywhere-I-go. Not sure what they did in school for the occasion, but it makes me smile seeing her happy #simplepleasures

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My firstborn - reflection

This sweetheart turns 4 in exactly two months. With all the soul-searching/self-reflection that I'm trying to do now, I feel that this little one is growing up too fast, and I may have been so clouded by what I want to see, versus what she is. Truth is, she is such a sweetheart and if she is whingy, it's because she's really just human. And seriously, she is just a child. My heart really bursts with love as I look at this sweet face, and I remember how she made me a better person the moment she landed in my arms. The first time I laid eyes on her, I still remember vividly. And I'm nearly in tears as I type this now. This is how strong the bond I have with her, and probably why she is always wanting me. I cannot resent how much she wants me. Yes, it may be overwhelming at times (I cannot lock the doors when I go to the toilet!) but I want to embrace this, and truly, no one can replace Mommy in her heart and no one can ever take this baby away from me. I love you so much sweetie. I'm sorry that I have been so impatient, I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect parent. I really love you with all my heart and I seek your patience and love and forgiveness as I try my best. And where I may have failed, I will keep trying and trying. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kate gets a souvenir from her brother

Jake hit Kate with a socket. She has a bruise on her cheek now. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

What makes me happy

I have been quite unhappy grumpy of late. Why, you ask? I don't know either.

Have been intending to start an evaluation of how's-it-been the first half of the year, and in a blink of an eye, I'm already on the 15th of the month and that's still incomplete. I constantly tell myself to count my blessings, but sometimes my emotions get the better of me.

Being in this cloudy state makes me rely heavily on my feelings; which may not be the best thing.

My thoughts have been jumbled up, and I know that I ought to find some ways to do some decluttering within. I have been reading, and stumbling across articles that help give me some insights. Fundamentally, though,  I need to take things easy. To not just jump to feel. To just take a breath and internalise what's important. And truly, what makes me happy is to remember that I have gems all around me.

These little ones make me happy. And if they are fine and happy, then I am happy too. I should not take my frustration out on them. I need to be more in control. I want to be more in control.

*continues to seek clarity ... but in the meantime, here's a simple activity that we did yesterday evening that definitely made the kids happy.

Bringing Jake to the playground and having him swing makes him happy. 

Having Kate sit happily on the swing, and squealing for me, her favourite person "Mommy mommy mommy" makes me happy. 

Dad's birthday

Dad turns 61 this year.

He has always been a "daughter's father" kinda-Dad. He will dote on the sister and I more, giving us rides where we want to go, helping us with random errands that we ask help with. He has his quirks and eccentricities, more as he ages. He has nothing but the best intentions for his kids, and now that he has graduated to be a grandparent, his "good intentions" are extended to his grandkids too. (Oh boy, the number of times I have nagged him not to feed Kate foods that are unsuitable because she is ill!)

He may be stubborn and irrelevant at times, but truly, despite all of it, my father is a man with a heart of gold. He is a sweetheart and a marshmallow who really just loves to eat (foodism - ok, I made this word up - is genetical. *looks to the sister). He loves to relax. He loves to watch movies. He loves the simple pleasures in life, and he's really not that complicated a man.

I have seen my dad change through the years, from when I was a child, to when I was a teenager, to today when I am a parent too. I wish nothing but the best of health to my dad, and I am sorry for all the times I have angered him; and I really wish that he is proud of me and I am not a disappointment to him.

As with the mother, I am so glad that I have delivered two grandchildren for him to play with, to love him, to call him 爺爺, to love him for being the best Grandpa they can ever ask for.

爸, 生日快樂!

I love this pic. Dad's smile rocks in the pic. And now I know where I got that smile from - look at Mom! My sis calls this "the original foofubs". Family love conquers all. This was where it all began, the roots of our rock-solid Foo family. 

Doting grandparents. I cannot express enough thanks to my parents who love my kids to the moon and back. I am so happy that I have provided my parents the chance to be grandparents.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New furniture

The husband bought a new coffee table.. that seems to be doubling up as a playground/double decker bed for the kids #sightsathome #justforfun 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy evenings

Nothing beats spending time with family. A visit to the playground, dinner with the kids & sister, chatting with the sister and playing the fool with new furniture #simplepleasures 

01122013, 21.1

I did it!

I registered for my first-ever half-marathon.

01 December 2013.


*bundle of jitters and nerves

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shape Run - postponed

With all the bad haze drama that hit Singapore a couple of weeks ago, the organisers of the Shape Run 2013 made the decision to postpone it. So it did not happen on 7 July; as originally planned.

But just to share (& I really hope I don't lose this!), I got such a kick seeing that Jake has his own bib with his name printed on it!

How cute is this, Jake with his own bib!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Something to make Monday less blue

Selfie by Jake. He'll take our phones, lift it, look at it (it's a blank screen!) and go "SMILE" 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

National Day 2013 (Rehearsal)

Thanks to the husband, we scored two pairs of tickets to the much-coveted National Day Parade! The original plan of going as a family didn't work because we did not want to bring Jake out to anywhere too sunny/hot/crowded because he was just on the mend from his terribly virus. So we split the tickets with my uncle.  I was quite excited to bring Kate, though it was laced with some apprehension - and rightly so because of last year's experience.

But my own excitement won over the worry and I was really quite looking forward to the evening, especially since it meant that I'd be spending quality time alone with her. While K was a little worried about the loud noise, I'm proud that she sat through the whole parade and was willing to try to watch/experience; I made sure to keep assuring her that I was right by her side and that it's only LOUD noise, nothing too scary at all. I had such a great time! Here's our pictorial story from yesterday evening.

Our awesome ticket!

My baby and I

After ripping into the goodie bag, Kate immediately picked out items she wanted to don. Here's the hat (that came in very handy to block out the sun) and she was holding the mini-flag in her hand. 

That's my uncle, his son, and Kate with her tattoo (that lasted for all of 4 minutes)

The initial bits of the parade is always fun. Lots of fanfare, the fly-bys, and one of the highlights are definitely the parachuter-jumpers! This year, making history is this lady (she's being interviewed by the host you can see off the giant screen) who's the first-ever female jumper! I felt really stoked - girl power!

Another personal favourite for me is the National Anthem-cum-Singapore-flag-fly-by; the chorus of people singing in one tune the National Anthem - never fails to make me feel very patriotic, proud to be Singaporean and lucky/thankful that we have the luxury and style to celebrate the nation's independence right at that moment.

We were lucky that the weather was great - it was manageable sunny when we took our seats and very breezy. When night fell, I took a moment to admire our very modern landscape filled with signature outlines and beautiful lights. Singapore has come such a long way.
Another gadget that K enjoyed was this light saber torch that really lit up the grandstands when the sun set.

Fireworks finale