Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Last year, I went on a Christmas Tree frenzy, collecting pictures of our family with Christmas trees everywhere.  It was fun and I remember being very enthusiastic (and successful). 

December 2012, we held a Christmas party at home, with my then-nearly one-year-old son. Look at his bogay grin and how little he is, all wrapped up in a onesie!

January 2013: my firstborn starts school (Nursery). It was quite a big thing for us, because we failed with it before with childcare. But unsurprisingly, this little girl faces school with tenacity and I'm thankful she enjoys going to school. She's such a natural social butterfly and she regales us with tales of her friends. She's still little, but I think she has so much potential for us to give her even more education in reading/ writing; so that's what we're doing in 2014. 

January 2013 - the husband turns 33. It's been a rough time for him the months prior to this month, and while the affair was a quiet, heavy-hearted one; I know he appreciates the family being by his side. And I know he knows this, that we are always there for him. And no matter how rock steady he is on his own, we want to be there for him. Even rocks need, well, I'm sure they need something and whatever that is, we are. 

27 February 2013: Jake turns 1. This is the same boy who arrived a week early, throwing us off with him being a February baby instead of what I'd been expecting my whole pregnancy of a March baby. And he's such a sweetheart, growing so stealthily at his own speed, just like his stoic personality. Very man. 

March 2013: one of my favourite months in the year, with a series of birthday celebrations. This pic has a story behind it - when the husband and I visited BKK together for the first time in 2005, we took a picture at the same spot. I cannot locate that picture, but we both know it. And that's what lovely about stories, is that there are so many good ones as time goes by. And I love collecting and creating more stories with this man. 

April 2013: Lucky me got to go on a holiday to Perth with my sister.  It was pretty unplanned but it was such a good time. It was truly an enjoyable time where I learnt how to be independent on my own, not worrying about things at home because I had to learn that the kids are in good hands. Part of 2013 for me was learning to let go. 
April 2013: We celebrate the birthday of one of the bestest women I know in life. Favourite mother, favourite nainai, favourite much

May 2013: Mothers' Day. A simple day that means nothing, yet so much. This is the original us. :)

June 2013: it's been half a year of hitting the road hard, jugging everything on our plates and it's always hard to catch our breaths. We celebrate Fathers' day this month too. This is a nice pic of the husband at work, doing what he's really good at. With all on his over-floweth plate, I always look forward to spending time with him. 

July 2013: My father celebrates his birthday. My father is one of those traditional men who has mellowed through the years. When I think of my parents ageing, it saddens me and I pray nothing more for them to be happy and to be in good health. I'm so glad I have my two kids to provide them distraction, joy and laughter (and annoyance - it's a whole package!) - and this picture really is quite an apt encapsulation of things. The grandkids (and us, the kids) are always in the foreground, with my mom in the background. My dad's the hidden, silent man who's always there but not necessarily seen or heard. I love my dad, much.
August 2013: Singapore's birthday. And lucky us scored tickets to the parade (rehearsal but good as gold!)  The previous year, Kate was such a little baby and was frightened by the loud sounds but this parade she was such a gem; still a little frightened but able to appreciate the action going on. My little girl's growing up!

August 2013: My little boy grows up more. Ok, to be honest, I don't recall if this was the actual month he kicked the pacifier habit, and I don't think I documented it on the blog. But he is growing well (still is) and he's picked up the gift of talking quite a bit. And because he's the baby of the family, it still startles me sometimes at how he's growing sooo quickly.
September 2013: Kate's birthday month. Because her birthday and Faith's fall on the same day, we organised a playdate to the beach for the kids to get together and have fun. And fun times, it was indeed! It was also the first of a series of celebrations for my firstborn. 

17 September 2013: And this is Kate on her actual birthday, at school. Look at what a big girl she is! And I think all mothers probably feel the same, feel wistful at how quickly their kids grow and feel all reminiscent of the labour of the child. 
30 September 2013: We went to Japan! I documented the holiday from the first day and each day for the rest of the week. This shot pretty much summed up the entire trip for the kids - Disneyland! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to bring my kids to Disneyland because 3 months later today, they still remember it! It was also a good time for the husband, the mother and I to spend time together - all adds to the family memory bank collection.  

October 2013: The sister turns twenty-six. This seems to be the year for my sister and I, where we had opportunities to bond through travel, fitness and drinks. She's no longer little, but still forever my baby sister!
October 2013: My little man ran a run with me! This year, I did a few 10km but I've kept at being consistent in jogging through the year and this 2.4km was really easy; but the intent was to have fun with Jake and we met that objective. He was an absolute joy, charming everyone with his usual entertaining antics. #thatsmyboy

October 2013: We celebrate Halloween for fun! It was also a fun and educational exercise where Kate and I bonded over craft, party preps for this party. While Jake didn't have a costume per se, we managed to muck around and came up with several fun looks for him. 

November 2013: A cousin weds and we all take the opportunity to dress up.  This is my little man in his trial dress-up (I had to make sure that he fits in this outfit!) Look at how handsome he is #proudparent

November 2013: At this same dinner, we capture a most lovely picture of my parents. I love, love, love how happy Mom looks. And that's just my dad. Super, duper love. #familylove

November 2013: Brought the kids to Universal Studios and had a blast of a day.  It was even cuter when we bumped into little friends and this picture is so sweet because it captures the kids and one of their favourite characters, Elmo. It also marks the start of the kids (especially Jake) understanding fun and play; and makes such trips - while tiring - extremely fulfilling because the kids enjoy it so much. So we then brought them to many shows (including theatre types) which they thoroughly loved!

1 December 2013: The day I conquered 21km. A proud self-achievement, one where I was worried about, worked towards and really one personal milestone I'm extremely proud of. The year of constant exercise, besides the obvious of being beneficial for health, has become a source of focus and distraction for me. It's kept me sane in times of unhappiness, grumpiness and one cannot deny the endorphins that keep me sane. 
5 December 2013: Rewarded myself with my second holiday of the year with my beloved sister.  It was such a fun trip, one so apparently fun that everyone I know commented how awesome our holiday looked (via pics) and indeed, it was. This year, another great thing was my sister and I bonding more through our time together, talking more and loving more.

December 2013: And on the same note of play, the kids visited Legoland. Kate, on the brink of height limits, age and awareness, was able to ride on roller coasters and exciting rides. I think that she's such a big girl, then when she stands next to the older girls, I realise that she's not that big afterall, and lags behind in height, maturity and I remind myself that she's still only a little girl. And with her growing each day, I am challenged as a parent, as an individual to be better for her. It's so tough, but I try to remember that she's my firstborn and will always be very special

December 2013: This is the first of our Christmas parties; and with the days passing through December, it begins to feel a lot more festive. A series of celebrations later, Christmas for the year is over.

27 December 2013: A few days before the year ends, my little baby boy turns 22 months old.  He's grown so much in this year and I'm beginning to formulate plans for his second birthday. In the last six months, especially, has seen him develop exponentially in terms of physical growth, movements and in-speech. He's no longer a little baby, but a toddler who is well able to express his desires, dislikes, happiness and displeasure. I feel wistful that he's no longer a baby but it is all natural, obviously. While some aspects of looking after the kids may be easier (mostly with them being able to express themselves) , it's a different set of challenges I face with them going forth. Our challenge this past week has been sleep training - the husband (full credit to him) is doing the night duty to help whip this boy's sleeping problem into non-existence and while we're making progress, it's still not 100% but we're in-progress and I know it will become better (hopefully very very) soon.

29 December 2013: this last Sunday of the year, we squeezed in quite a lot with the highlight being Kate having yet another opportunity to play baker! This little girl is growing up so quickly and I'm always pleased to indulge her in such healthy activities she thoroughly enjoys.
30 December 2013: the kids open up another set of Christmas gifts. This year, the little one  has grown much (look at him last December!) and is able to comprehend the concept of presents. It's an indescribable kinda joy that I feel watching them tear their presents apart and eyes glaze over with thrill with each gift they receive. So far, the best presents they have are Jake's car set from jiujiu and Kate's jewellery box with jewellery from Aunt Cecilia. I feel so grateful that they are blessed with generous people around them who adore them and bless them with gifts and love all around. 

31 December 2013: We bring the family to Ikea for dinner and fun. Look at how adorable these little friends are. #superproudparent

Through this exercise of compiling this year, I've had the opportunity to re-savour what I experienced the whole year; alone, with my husband, with my kids, with my family and friends... and I'm thankful for everything that's happened. I'm a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason" and when it's rough, I hold onto that belief firmly and wait for the tides to turn.

A few key things for me this year:
Loss - you never really forget, but you learn to deal with it. My father-in-law passed on earlier this year and it's been a rough time for the family to deal with it. I learn that unity and strength in the form of support from family and friends cannot be taken for granted and it is with these gems that make it bearable. 

Health - related to loss, I am reminded that we are not immortals. And this year has definitely been a good year for me where I have taken control of sloth and kept my body in good shape. The kids have had their fair share of the sniffles and whatnots, but with the introduction of essential oils to them, I hope that they continue to build their immunity and become stronger each day. 

Love - it's a funny thing, love. While I don't have what singles face, the complications of looking for "the right one", I have the privilege of working hard at my relationship with my Mr Right. It's been another year of learning to communicate with each other, overcoming problems and challenges and appreciating each other. I wish to never take him for granted and I hope to be appreciated in return. A woman can never be loved enough and that's a universal truth! #notsosubtlehint

Being selfish - it's something new and totally enjoyable this year, to allocate me-time, to me. I take time in the mornings to run, I go for my monthly facials, I meet my friends for lunches and dinners, I've watched a few movies with the husband this year. These little pockets of moments for myself are lovely and they make me happier, better and more able to face everything that comes along. 

Being selfless - Look after yourself before you can look after others, not sure where this is from but it does make sense, no? But with me having had me-time, I'm nourished to give more of me to others. The primary receivers are the kids and the husband and truly, there's no better people I'd do this for. Unconditional love, tough but true. 

Looking ahead for 2014, I wish to keep things simple. Nothing extravagant or too dramatic at all. I wish to continue to run, to keep fit and healthy primarily. And my next thing is to give. To give my best, to give my all, to give is better than to receive. I'm not sure if I can do it, because it's not easy to give always, but I will try my best. To give my kids my best, to give them more time to do what they like, to give them a chance to be kids, to give myself chances to practise patience.... 

It's been an eventful year. And as always, I look forward to the new year because with my family by my side, everything will be ok. 

Happy 2014 to you, you and you. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

29 Dec, last Sunday of the year

The morning was spent decluttering my home. I'd already packed a bag of clothes before and today, with the kids out of my way, I cleared out useless/broken toys and put aside two big bags of toys still in good condition that I wish to donate at the Salvation Army. It felt so good to declutter!
Family lunch at Mom's. Epic, as always with too much food. It was a lovely afternoon of gluttony, laughter and sitting around in the kitchen with lots of noise, voices out-talking one another and I know why my family is so close - because we all treasure one another so.

We made our way to Grandma's house; and this is just a funny pic, just because. 

We needed to rush down today because this little baker was all ready to take on the world with her baking skills. Well, not really baking but she did a pretty good job of cutting out cookie moulds from the cutters. We had teddy bears and stars in two sizes. 

After the baking session, I offloaded the kids to the playground with their grandaunt and aunts and I went for a run which was soooo good for my mind and my body; much needed after all the pigging out the past two weeks and the alone-time where I has nothing on my mind at all but my breathing and pushing my body to keep going. 

There was a family Christmas party at the aunt's (who is also the neighbour of Grandma) and we had some fun toggling between both homes and the kids had a field-day stuffing their mouths with goodies and lots of food. 

Then Kate sneakily took a sip of wine (which resembled Ribena in its colouring) and this (notice the patches and if you look closer you can see hives) is the result of her naughty antic! Really gave me a fright and I needed to do an SOS call to the husband who was at a dinner of his own. We made her drown lots and lots of water to flush the drink out of her and I applied some lavendar on her that's meant to help with the hives. This little one is now fast asleep and I think this may be a pretty good lesson to her on why she needs to ask for permission before consuming anything! I'm glad she's better though, as being a parent, we know that it's painful to watch our child in any form of discomfort and we always wish them to be well and happy. 
So some months back, I was talking to a friend who works as a writer for a local magazine. I ended up contributing my story to the magazine and this evening, my neighbour texted me to say that she saw us in the magazine! So there we are, our family in print #justforkicks

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My great companion

So yesterday, my firstborn and I attended a wedding dinner together. She is the perfect plus-one for dinner dates. She's enthusiastic about the event (constantly asks when the day is), plans her wardrobe way ahead of time (she already knows she's going to wear either this or that dress, sometimes with one in mind) and is always looking forward to seeing the bride (also wanting to touch her dress/ take a picture). Love how her innocence and excitement is so unbridled and joyous to watch, and I cannot help but beam with pride and amusement at her.

Loving our rings

She wasn't in the mood for a proper pic, so I joined in and still made the pic pretty awesome, if I may say so

And in case my words didn't do justice to describe her enthusiasm at attending weddings, this has got to be award-deserving for best-yum-seng-er, surely!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve morning: I did my run; the kids are both happy as I allowed them to open up a gift each to play. Loving the happy feel!

Monday, December 23, 2013

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ... Hi 5 !

A playdate that the girls have been waiting for forever, it was pure joy watching them enjoy each other's company and the show. It wasn't too bad and I could sing-along too! #parentingtruth

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One more week

... to Christmas!!!!

Dancing people in the wall come alive

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A princess (work-in-progress version)

So, she may need some work to act dainty (or just sit properly for that matter)  but at least we know she is true-blue girl school material and my daughter. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

We visited a large indoor playground

Battle scars. A (clumsy, but) protective mother who suffered pains to protect her daughter on a very long slide.

My (poor) knees, and my (poorer) elbows

The other bruises are just my vulnerable skin's response to crawling about within the indoor playground. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas is really coming

It isn't just the fact that you are reading the numbers on your calender creeping towards the number 25. But that the drinking and feasting are lined up day after day with gifts being exchanged and laughter, love and happiness is all around.

Last night was one where the husband held a party at our home while I was out for my company party. And today kicked started the first of several gatherings of our friends, as well as that of our kid's little friends. 

*hums it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ....

Friday, December 13, 2013

Feeling a lot like Christmas

Things have been hectic, admittedly not all bad. Some of it was the trip away, catching up on lost time with the kids and husband, work... And though I know that it's already (already!) December, it only happened tonight. 

That fuzzy feeling that creeps up on you and you feel it. 

The husband was reading his book in the balcony, the living room floor was littered with wrappers, gifts, tape, stationery... I had an elf helper who was half-distracted in her role and did an, umm, endearingly child-like version of her task of labeling gifts, and my little son was knocked out missing out on all the night action as is his usual style (that boy sleeps when he wants to). 

And when the bottom of the tree started filling up with presents, and despite my exhaustion, I felt it. 

That feeling of Christmas and love and chilled beers and cool wine and laughter and it was all in my heart and home.