Friday, October 31, 2014

Silly faces - same but different

Look at Jake.
Look at Kate.
I'm so blessed to have these two little adorable munchkins in my life.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A special morning

So proud of my man - that's him, shaking hands with the Defence Minister

And amidst the chaos of it all, we squeezed in a quick lunch and bought a yoghurt after. That fleeting moment of amusement and amazement as we strolled side-by-side, eating our yoghurt along Orchard Road... was rather surreal. I cannot remember the last time we "pak tor" like that (even if this was not a planned date); it still means the world to me to spend time with my husband.

I'm so proud of you, babe!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The bug hits us

So, it's week 3 of this bug in our household. It's too painful to document details, so here's the topline.

It started with K, complaining of a tummyache on a Sunday evening. 
It quickly burned into fever... which continued for the next week. Top hits were 40-degrees every, single night. She seemed to get slightly better, then two days later complained about tummy pains and a follow-up to the doctor's put her on a dose of antibiotics. That helped clear her bug over the next 4 days - hooray!

Then... J started running a temperature. Repeat cycle of 40-degrees fever straight for 4 days. Boo.
He is now better, no antibiotics needed, mild diarrhea and coughing. We just need to get rid of the horrible phlegm in his body. Boo. Just for notes, this boy's eyes glazes over when his temperatures shoots up. So, poor thing.

In the third week, I begin to feel unwell. I have been running a borderline fever for the past 5 days and my body is on what I call the "panadol clock". It is defined as a 5-hourly-shift where I need to pop the meds or my body starts to breakdown. My throat hurts and today is the 5th day where I'm less feverish, but my tummy is beginning to feel extremely queasy. Let's hope that my best efforts to keep myself healthy will keep me healthy.

So yesterday, I had a cute conversation with my boy (via the phone).
Me: Hello J, are you feeling better? Do you still have fever?
J: No, no fever.
Me: you know where it is? 
J: No.
Me: The fever is with me. You passed it to Mommy!
J: Is it just like a ball?

My not-so-little boy

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sundates with my two favourite men

Morning sunshine with the little man
A rare movie date with the big man

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday morning

Simple pleasures of the morning. 

  • did some bit of yoga 
  • had breakfast with my two lovelies 
  • big kid is illness-free and we can resume our regular Saturday programme of going to class 

She was in reasonable mood, dressing herself and I'm pleased she put on a bracelet gift from my friend #happyprettybaby

And this morning, let's get cracking on the weekend homework I need to get done

Happy Saturday!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Toys - non-gender specific

The boy offering me some coffee that he's prepared
The girl, fixing something

This happened some weeks back at the Grandma's house. It was quite a sight. The boy zoned in on the masak set, while the girl meddled with the tools. I love how they diversify their interests and they just, well, play.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Soccer fever

It was our first time at the inaugural football match held at the new National Stadium.
Japan versus Brazil. 
Crowds before the match

Getting drunk alone, guarding my laptop and waiting for the troupe

Attentive boys
What a happy pic!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Saying sorry

Yesterday morning, I yelled at K. It was uncalled for - even if she was whining on some extreme spectrum - and I felt awful.

We made up, before we said good-bye when I left for work, but I still felt awful. *cue music of the return of the monster mom

I waited until 3pm, when she was back from school and rang home.

I told her, that I was sorry for yelling at her that morning. I told her that I always love her. I told her that I need to be more patient. I asked her to please forgive me.

Her response, touched me greatly.

"Mommy, I forgive you. I love you, Mommy."

I am ashamed of my lack of control. But I am glad that I apologised to her. My friend told me that repair is as important, if not more important than the wrong and I want to repair.

My 5yo is such a sensitive child, to understand forgiveness, and to still love me with all her little heart.

I am blesssed.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Rough times

Pretty much sums up the past week. 

Kate is hit by this nasty virus. She's been running fever since last Sunday. The husband - the trooper - has been doing most of the night feeds, but everyone pretty much gets awakened due to one reason or other. 


And thankfully, her fever is abating. It spiked at 40 mid-week and last night, 38+.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Grumpy bunny

Because she is sick, because she feels weak, because she so poor thing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A hearty breakfast after our MacRitchie run (that's for two people!... and we finished it all)
Visited the SAM again 
Still a favourite
Goggles and a maze
Of course, the little one had to try too
Little friends

Nom nom face

PS: just for the record, this was also the day my wallet got stolen from the supermarket. Weh weh.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Public holiday Monday

A pre-planned morning trek was thrown out of the window when fever struck us last night. K suddenly complained of tummy pains after we came home from Grandma's and when I touched her, she felt hot. A reading of 38.5 ensued. After giving her meds and comforting her, she fell asleep. The poor girl was struck by some tummy virus, it seems. 

She's now more settled, though weak and hungry but nothing a dose of TV can't fix. Today's antidote of choice is Despicable Me. Both kids are enjoying themselves. 

For me? Some me-time to do nothing. 

Detoxing my face

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Children's Day Party

To celebrate Children's Day, the school has organised a party for the children. They get to wear their party clothes to school and parents were advised to pack snacks for the children (no colouring, no preservatives, healthy preferably - I love that they make an effort). 

No surprise that this little girl wants to wear her Frozen dress. She now has four Elsa dresses (all different) and I told her she can wear 3 out of the 4. The indulgent father, however, allowed her to wear this gown to school (this happened in my absence). It's the same one I said no to, because I thought it was slightly overboard.

The princess goes for a school party

On my part, I didn't request for her to change, only for her to change out of it at 7am in the morning because it would be another 3 hours before she went to school - thank goodness she agreed (I do imagine she may be all hot and bothered wearing that dress at home that long!)

Plus, I realised very late (uh, like when I was walking to work) that I had forgotten to buy food to add to the school party food fare. Oops. 

Thank goodness for my need-to-hoard tendencies that there are packs of cookies and snacks at home that she could bring along for the party. Yay.

Happy Children's Day!