Wednesday, January 21, 2015

29.5 hours*

I'm going to feel soooo awful tomorrow, when the alarm beeps. It's been yet another late night for me and I'm tired, so tired. The list of things to do seems endless, and once I complete one task there's another few lined up right behind.

After ploughing through my work for the past 2 hours, my last 10 minutes were spent checking in. Yup. Checking in for our holiday.

There's so much to think, and more to pack, have the husband and I planned enough? Do we know what to do? Have I bought/brought everything? The clothes sealed in the vacuum bag - they are so crumpled! Hope J's cough doesn't worsen. Thank goodness I brought Vit C for the trip. Oh, two packs of candy should last us for the way there. I'm cold now with the cool breeze in Singapore, what am I to do when we get there? Oh, it's so late, what else have I not done for work? Does it matter? Maybe not.

I'm so excited - and tired. One more burst tomorrow - I cannot wait.

*the hours until when we're on the way to the airport

Monday, January 19, 2015

Superman and his Superheros

So while the husband had a quiet and tight celebration with his boys on his birthday, and we did a family celebration with him where he had not one, but two cakes (that makes a total of three!); I planned another celebration for him. A small one, with a small group of family and friends. I also invested some time to think about how to make it a little funnier, a little more special and a little more memorable. 

Afterall, he's turning thirty five

It all happened quite easily, where I had a lightbulb literally going DING! in my head late one night. And as always, my partner in party-planning was immediately notified of my idea and we agreed that it's a done deal. I then involved all of the guests at this party and while I was thinking about it over a few weeks, everything really came together only days before the party day.

Step 1 - thanks to the sister who found this range of masks!


All lined up and ready for party

On the actual day, we had a nice dinner at two chefs. After dinner, we then surprised the unknowing husband with his gift. A Superman tee - with cape! He must have been slightly(?) surprised to see us all masked up. Giggles.


Taking flight

Through the mall he goes

Love this pic
Drunken shenanigans

A pretty epic moment when Batman flapped in to sing along with Superman
The night got fun, and more fun, and it ended at about.... the time that Superman didn't feel too super.

Dead log
Tee hee hee
Off home we go...

It was a nice night and I'm happy that we all made it out together. The fact that a small group of us, who all really mattered, took time out to come out, and don the silly fun masks together, that made it awesome.

Because we all care and love the man, Superman or not, drunk or otherwise, the love is real and these ties, are the real Superheros in what makes the world go round and a better place.

Peace out.

Happy birthday, to the husband. I hope you remember this special 3-5. I love you.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy birthday to my best friend, my lover, my partner, my rock

You mean the world to us

Here's wishing you a healthy, fruitful (see what I did there? Hah) and kick-ass year ahead. I know it'd be another one ____________ (fill in your own blank) of a ride, and we will be there with you through it all. 

We love you

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The first week gone by...

It's the first weekend after the first full week of school. I'm happy to announce that everyone emerged unscathed. Phew. Last weekend (the true first weekend of 2015), both children napped for a good 2-3 hours on Sunday. They must have been tired out from "real" life. 

After a decent first day, both children seemed to get on with the programme quite well. Especially the little boy, who after his overtired-from-no-nap-meltdown from day one; seemed to grasp the new routine very well. I did my part by nagging reminding him of the routine.

Milk before school, no milk at school, no crying at school, if you're tired you get to sleep on the bus so get on the bus, no need to cry and once you're on the bus, you'll be home soon to drink milk already ok? 

I'm so proud of his smooth transition from being a baby to a school-going child. Even though it's only been a first week, and he may act up later, I have faith that this little sturdy little-big boy of mine will be fine. 

Hand-in-hand. I love such pictures of them both. 
Waiting for the school bus

Some pics of them that I sneaked on the second day of school when I visited them. 

One of the highlights of his day "I GO PLAYGROUND TODAY!"
The little girl, as we know, smoothly stepped into her big-sister-role. She guided him about, introduced him to her friends, told him about nuggets of school & her friends, proudly held his hands when they were both in school and peeked into his classroom whenever she walked by (I caught her doing that!)

This is her last year in a "baby school" and I'm feeling highly poignant with their transition - from him going to school and her going into the last year of kindy. The husband thinks I'm unnecessarily emotional but I cannot help myself. As much as I know that it's all part and parcel of growth, it is still slightly rough for this emotional Mommy.

Launching into real work on Day 2. No rest for the big children.

So, I finish off this post by announcing my pride at my independent children, and how - despite my own insecurities concerns of them faring & adjusting well at school, I know that they will be fine and I will always be their Mommy. 

Look at how happy he is when he spotted me! I'd turned up at school unaccounted :)
Oh baby, you don't know how happy I am too. Sometimes, it's rough having to act all adult when all I want to do is smother you with love and protect you from this world.

And then life goes back to normal when he comes home and whines for MILK! Hah.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Puppet masters

Introduced the kids to this simple fun this morning. They enjoyed it so much!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jay Chou Concert - 27 December

It was one of the best nights everrrr. After being disciplined through the festivities, I went slightly overboard that night. And while it was fun fun fun! It was also slightly painful the day after. 

The concert started off quite rushed, because we had just returned from the drive back from Malaysia. But we all made it, early too.

Our personalised bartender out of a car boot

The concert was pretty ok, and while I did not think the vocals were properly warmed up especially in the first song, it was generally fine. The lyrics flashed on the big screen helped where we all sang along in great harmony for the older, familiar songs. I also liked how they provided the lightsticks and fan that totally helped with the festive fun feel!

Drunk parents. HAHA. 

For we, are jolly good fella's!

It's been two weeks since this concert and  am still averse to drinking. It was that bad. Ha. Until the next fun family outing!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First day of school, 2 January 2015

We all knew the day was coming, and leading up to it I was psyching the kids about it; so that K will not resist going back to school after the long holidays and J will be keen to go. Afterall, my soon-to-be 3yo is going to school for the first time. 

What I was not prepared, was how emotional I felt. It felt strange, wistful, bitter-sweet to see my little baby boy. It didn't feel too long ago where I just sent my little girl to school for the first time. Oh my little boy, how I still remember when you were just a little tee weeny one.

All dressed, but still in the familiar routine of drinking his favourite milk.

Of course, the customary picture with the tree. To signify a new start, not too long after Christmas (the tree).
So thankful that they are together, to watch out for each other
We sent the boy off with the helper to take the school bus.
Look at how happy he is! How grown up!

And everyone arrives unscathed.

At assembly, looking practically bored

Being independent
Little boy, big school

This little missy was happy to see us at school too
Spot J

And then at close to dismissal time, it went downhill. He was used to napping during school hours, and until his body clock is adjusted, he's feeling extremely cranky, right about now.

Boo hoo hoo

When he cries, he cries (the house down). He pretty much knocked out in the school bus instantly - he was that tired. 

And that's the end of his first day. There was little to worry about, except for his over-tiredness, and he was so cool, like the potato he is. Aahh, my little big boy.

As for the big sister, she really is the big sister. She was like a fish in water, familiar with everyone, and everything. She did look out for her little brother, and she is so linked to him that when he cried out of distress and overstimulation, she did too. Yup - my sensitive girl who was so distressed at her brother's non-stop crying that she broke down too.

Overall, I'm pleased with the first day and how it all went. As parents, we - or perhaps I - was no longer so harried about school logistics, and we planned ahead to purchase uniforms and school shoes. It all went pretty good and to see how well they both are, is a good sign for the year to come, I know it.

May you both learn great things in school and thrive, my loves. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First Sunday - 2015

It's a lovely end to the first weekend of 2015. The husband and I hit the gym together and we are going for dinner, home-cooked. How blessed. 

May this be an indication of 2015 - of good health, good spirits and love. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New year, new start, new school shoes

New school shoes always reminds me of the new school year and this year - in fact tomorrow! - both my children will be in school. The little-big girl is in her last year of baby school and the little boy is embarking on a new start, his first time in any form of structured class on his own. I feel wistful at how quickly them little ones grow and am reminded to give thanks that they are. Oh the ironies of life.