Monday, August 31, 2015

K visits the office

Beautiful (warm but windy) stroll by the Bay
We chanced upon a wooden see-saw
Someone scored some toys

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturdate with the husband

Walked a little more to add some distance to my last run. The run was planned but the distance unexpected so I am happy! The view by the sea, the breeze and everything about running by the sea - which is not a norm for me made the run pretty good.
2nd run 10km+ for the week - yeah!

Post-run euphoria. It is always good to have couple-time with the husband and this morning was not an exception. While we both crawled out of bed slowly, the morning was super as we were together.

Lovely start to the weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My 3.5yo boy and his accomplishments

J knows his alphabets, but more the capital letters than little ones. He still mixes up his numbers (6 & 9 especially) and muddles up letters too. While he cannot read, he loves to listen to stories and when he likes something, he usually requests for it to be read repeatedly. Some of his favourite stories include "The dragon painter" (I think it's because it involves dragons, dragons coming alive and some 'action'); and anything related to sports (football/play). He also likes stories from "Don't let the pigeon" series as it's animated and he probably still remembers watching the play from before.
Some months, back, he started doodling and attempting to draw up simple letters, that are hard lines only and I'm so proud that he can. He'll say things like "Eh, Mommy how ah?", tilt his head to the side and when prompted, proceed to deliver with a smile. Such innocence and zest - the joys of being a child.
We started off with simple aims of getting him to write his name and he successfully did so 2 months ago in June. I noticed that holding fat pens/pencils which thick diameters work better for his tiny hands. So in this instance of his major milestone of writing his name by himself for the first time (#PROUDMOMMYMOMENT); he did so with chalk which is a lot easier to navigate for him than a regular pen/pencil.
This week, with a marker, the boy did it. It started off with him wanting to do colouring (he has his moments and sitting down is usually not the top choice. He's a much more physical-prefer to jump about kinda boy) and we talked through him writing letters. It's so lovely to watch him develop and witness his amazement and joy as he accomplishes his tasks.
I hope you never stop learning with joy and wonder, my boy. I'm so proud of you, every achievement big or small.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It was a good midweek

Accomplished a 10km run after ages.
Was always time-strapped or lazy to keep on going... but I did it yesterday!
& it felt so good.

In high spirits, the husband and I had a random date night of unhealthy
hawker fare finished off with a dose of mediocre waffle and a side of
the grumpy husband.

Life is so good!

Midweek munchies

A hearty sandwich & a cuppa. Mmmm...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Some company to end the day

Not the best idea after trying to eat healthy in the day with
oats for breakfast then salad for lunch... yet on the flipside, it's pretty
awesome company when you have to tackle work #winsomelosesome

A bit of rainbow for breakfast

Beige (oats) need never be boring. Add splashes of green
(grapes and kiwi), red (strawberry) and blue (blueberries).

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fuel for the body - part two

In my new work environment, I discovered that eating out has its major disadvantages - namely, everything is pricey. The food options are healthy - salads, sandwiches, wraps; but as we know, these type of western options are usually double to the usual food-court fare. There is a food court where more conventional food options range from $4 and more but it is always extremely packed and the options are also limited.
I spent the first week eating yummy, healthy salad - and spending more than $50 in a week, across five lunches. Now, that is pretty luxurious if you ask me and while I enjoyed filling my body with healthy food, my heart and pockets were wailing.
I lamented on this to my mother and in a jiffy so quick before you can say "help me (fairy god-) mother", she bought a thermal food flask for me. I'm fortunate that my helper is a super cook, and with the tool made available for us, we did!
My first bring-from-home meal - rice, brocolli and gravy chicken + potatoes

It felt so great eating freshly prepared food at work, brings me some warmth and sense of home when I'm outside. I've brought more lunches from home and it's always been hits (no misses).
Rice, codfish, beans and there was chicken under the veg! What a surprise!

Besides chinese fare, I also started buying salad base + ingredients to bring to work which are just as yummy and good on the pockets. I need to eat them within 3-4 days or the leaves start to wilt.

Spinach base, mixed leaves, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots,
cheese (sliced and grated) with some cooked salmon on top

Nuts are available in the pantry (see that on the fork?) so I usually add a
dash into my salad bowl for added crunch

I have been bringing food from home about 2-3 times a week for two weeks so far and it's been a great arrangement. Whee!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Fuel for the body

I try to have soaked oats about twice a week.
I started off soaking oats in milk, tried yogurt (did not like that) and recently swtiched to coconut water - it sweetens the taste of the oats. My regular fruit base is also blueberries (blueberries never tasted much to me, but they taste good with oats!) and occasionally, I throw in extras from my additional fruit basket provided by the father.

I started my Nike application in January 2015.
And in August 2016, I clocked in my 100th run. Prior to Nike, I used another running app but I really like this better. It's easy to use, free, and tracks the basic requirements of what I wish to know such as speed, distance; and it also captures the map route and includes settings per run like where you ran (indoors/ outdoors - track/ road/ trail) and how you felt (you may express it in the forms of emoticons).  Since my last entry about my running status, I've hit the 1-0-0!
*curtseys to applause
Without a run to work towards (any paid runs), I am less fussed about hitting any targets whether it is about clocking more distance or improving time. Truth is, I'm content to run regularly just because. And I know the sister will appreciate that - running, just because.
Bouncing castles FTW!

And just to finish off this entry about being active, the kids got a treat when (1) we headed to the club for some pool + sun activity yesterday. They bonded with the husband (while I got my work out - win-win!) and after the fun under the sun, they got some mindless bouncing time on the jumping castle. I'll admit that because it was quiet, I joined them for a short while for fun. Just the three of us bobbing up and down for no reason at all.

It was a nice weekend. Fuel and nourishment for our body and souls, both.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bonus off day!

When it was announced that Singapore would be enjoying a jubilee weekend off with a stretch of 4-days off, it never struck me to leave the country for a trip. I heard of how many people instantly searched and secured their travels, but while the husband and I never talked about wanting to go away, I knew that I kinda wanted to be around. Afterall, it is a celebration of our nation's birthday and how could you celebrate it if you were not even present?
So to have the 4th day of rest was amazing. Again, I got to sleep in past 8am (thank you, husband!) and the goodness did not end there. Because the husband had been very inspired by salmon lately, he had the epiphany of making breakfast for us on this glorious Monday. So while I was asleep, he headed to the supermarkets in the morning and came home with groceries galore... and I pretty much woke up to a busy kitchen and smells of food.. mmmmm...
I had a full plate of salmon, side of salad with hash brown and toast + cheese. It. Was. Heavenly. It was so yummy that I did not take a picture of it! But in my mind, thinking back, I literally rolled out of bed into a home that was fully awake and bustling, and I walked right into my big plate of breakfast and tucked right in. Life is so good.
After spending time with the boy the past few days, I decided to bring the girl out with me on an errand. We dropped the MIL off and we then went in search of coffee (that was the only missing element from breakfast). I had plans of venturing far west (since we were there) but plans changed slightly and I ended up googling for Starbucks outlets and found one that was near which we had never been to before - that's how we discovered Hilllview V2.
Go on, try to touch the water! - and she did
Big cuppa latte for me with a dose of magazine,
a yuzu choc-cheese cake and baby cino for her.

My lovely girl

We spent about an hour just strolling about the mall checking out what shops there were, a little cheeky touch-and-go with the water feature, then settled in comfortably at Starbucks (her choice, though there was also Cedele and Dean & Deluca) where we both blissfully co-existed. Aaahhh, life is good.

We spent the afternoon on a school project that K had, and we dabbled in paint and craft and it was a fruitful session where we completed the project. Woot! The boy awoke from his nap then, and the kids got their hands dirty with paint before a late-ish simple lunch of tapau.

By this time, the husband was getting antsy with their noise as he needed to work on his assignment. I had the brainwave of bringing them out for an activity and off we went!

We headed to the mall to get new swimwear for K as hers had disintegrated and had a hole in her bum. Never knew how much swimwear costed but an investment had to be made and the deed was done. It was also quite cute seeing how she enjoyed the trial process of fitting into different sizes and designs - what a girl.

I had already planned to bring them to swim but had left it as a surprise and it was absolutely adorable seeing the kids wiggle in anticipation: K was so earnest after the purchase was made and pleaded "Mommy, can we go wear the costume and go swim now?!" Then the boy went "but I don't have! Mine is at home!"

So when I revealed that 'yes' we were going swimming and 'yes' we have everything packed - HOORAY! It was just pure joy all around. We drove down to the club nearby and everyone had a good time playing about.

Superhero-girl + Captain American junior

We finished off the day with a simple dinner near home and put the kids to sleep early, in preparation of a school day the next.

This was a perfect wrap to our long, long weekend and I was so thankful to have spent every moment doing what I did. To have time with the children, doing different sorts of activities and to have rested too - it was amazing and I'm thankful.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy 50th birthday Singapore

9 August rolled around, cool winds and breezy. I managed to sleep in until 8am! We had no real plans for the day, except to head out to the Marina Bay area to get involved with some NDP action. After a quick breakfast, we all headed out to pick up the MIL to hang with us for the day.
The family parked ourselves by the fields and caught the action in the skies by the Black Knights again. The weather was sunny and it was perfect. The boy, who caught it the day before, was ancitipating his favourite maneveurs! After the show, it felt deja vu as I brought the family about the office on a walkabout to show them my new office.
We decided to have BKT for lunch before heading home and the kids got a treat when they came face-to-face with the Red Lions!
Shy around his idols

Now, to the unaware, my son is obsessed passionate about the Red Lions. He loves watching youtube videos showing behind-the-scenes of how they prepare pre-jump etc and he loves the whole fanfare. These men we saw are friends with the husband and to watch his eyes light up with confusion/ amazement/ recognition - it was pretty priceless!

The afternoon went by easily with the kids going down for a nap... and while the husband and I had considered going out to watch the fireworks in the evening, we voted against the idea eventually and settled on catching the parade on TV with home-cooked dinner - all in the comfort of our home.
Evening rolled around with perfect weather for the parade and the kids awakened just in time to catch the show live on TV. The recipe is expected - first they start off with fanfare, cheers, contingents march-past and performances. In between we'll have pyrotechnics and fly-bys as additional fanfare.
What made it special for us this year was how both children are aware of the nation's birthday and revel in the celebrations... to the point of being "involved" in their own ways.

Introducing our very own little boy soldier!

And back-up dancer
What was also amazing was that we could catch the planes and fireworks from our balcony - while it was tiny, it was still visible and the kids were thrilled!

Finale - saying our pledge

It was a good day and I cannot explain how proud I am to be a Singaporean, and to witness my children being this involved too. We have a fantastic home, safe and enjoyable and despite what people may say, it is practically perfect for us to raise our family in.

Happy Birthday, Singapore. We are so proud to be Singaporeans.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Catching the Black Knights

As part of Singapore's SG50 celebrations, our special forces of the Air Force put up an ariel show the days leading up to National Day. Scheduled at noon at the Marina Bay area, the 25-minute show was a draw for everyone. K was staying over at Grandma's and going gaigai with her, so I was left with the boy and free time and I thought - why not bring him to catch the planes? 
And so we did. I had wanted to take public transport, but prompted by the husband, I bravely drove and we set off from home a whole hour ahead as I was expecting massive jams. Surprisingly, it was not too bad at all! We parked at the MBFC and trotted over to the promotory.
Someone was happy to be able to use his M&Ms umbrella (it had stopped
raining by then but oh boy, was it hot and sunny)

We even had time to grab coffee and cake, and we set up picnic. There were families about and J warmed up to them, sharing his M&Ms (the chocolate, not the brolly!) and offering our mat too.
Happiness is holding a private picnic on our own
Terribly pleased to have his own 'pretend coffee'
The show was pretty impressive! While we were not too close, it was still visible and the pictures off my phone was terribly taken, so none of that nonsense here. You're better off googgling for images. Let's just say that we had a good time - despite the humidity (post-showers) and hot sun.
After the air show, I promised to show him my office, so off we went.

A little boy in a big play world

Getting comfortable!

We spent some time walking about the office, getting him acquainted with the space and view and he was thrilled.


Did not take him long to snooze after the afternoon of excitement. It was a pleasant Saturday!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A full heart

So, we were getting a snack at the mall this evening and I sought for a bench where we could settle before eating. We spotted a bench but it was filled with people, with one spot empty. I ushered J over and prompted him to sit on the spot. 
An elderly uncle shuffled over to give him more space and J said to him, "can you move over some more so that my Mommy can sit down?"
The uncle shuffled more before standing up to offer me the seat, saying "sit sit with him and eat together." 
I could not take up his offer, but thanked the very old man for his sweet gesture. His wife/partner who was sitting some slots away exclaimed "how sweet, this little boy!" And I could not help but beam with happiness and pride at this sweet little boy, my sweet little boy who has me in his little-big heart. 
Oh J, your magnanimity astounds and touches me infinitely. 
Mommy loves you to the fighter jets in the skies, and back! 

My sweet little boy
The above is a posed pic after the couple left, leaving us more than enough space to seat and finish our food. My heart was filled in an instant and the tummy's need for filling was secondary for certain.  

Friday, August 7, 2015

Rehearsals - concert ala home version

The children celebrated National Day at school last Thursday, the eve of our long, long weekend. The husband and I could not attend their school concert due to work commitments, but after hearing all about it, we requested that the children did a rehearsal at home for us.

Mid-song with hand actions


It was adorable, watching them and we played common national songs off the youtube as music accompaniment. On the actual day, I was fortunate that a friend went to school and she managed to share some pictures and videos of the children.
Follow the leader!

Dancing queen
Say yeah!

Cheers to our new leaders of tomorrow - WOOT!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Visiting Pasir Ris Park

A picnic where the girl got upset with ants and I was grumpy until fed.
This picnic was unplanned, and I was set on heading to catch fireworks (as that was what we discussed all day). But when the kids are happy, and the husband is amiable with making the decision and arrangements... I guess I should not complain. Once I was not hungry anymore, I felt way better. And we all had fun feeding the mosquitoes and it was nice seeing the kids get some exercise on their little bikes. I realise that it's J's first time riding on a bike in an open space on his own!

Giving their little legs some workout

Thankful for the family time and I did manage to relax by the breakwater, watching and being amazed at the heavy traffic at our Airport; plus I even got a chance to ride on the 'flying fox'!

When I hear them laugh, when I see them grinning from ear to ear, when they ask (several times) to go back to the park again, I know that's what matters, really.

Unplanned Fridates

Friends, booze and a view. Life is good.