Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Three events

Don't want to dwell too much on these event, but I want to make a record that they happened.

1. Disagreeing to agree on Kate's diet

This is the nicest way I can think of how to label this event that took place last weekend. It was painful (still is), difficult, necessary and very tiring.

Is it so difficult to understand and practise respect?

2. Allergy

Poor Kate reacted poorly to egg-whites. An unsuspecting elderly fed her some half-boiled egg-white and she broke out in a patchy rash around her mouth. She also vomitted and had diarrhea twice. I was not around to witness these horrid reactions, but serendipitiously, the husband was and relayed that 1. her vomit was "not funny, like an adult's"; 2. she behaved well and seemed totally oblivious to the fact that she was vomitting/unwell.

I'm glad and grateful that the husband was around yesterday to handle the situation (quick visit to the pediatrician) and assure me - who was unable to respond even to phone calls immediately as I was involved at work - that everything was fine. And it was. I gave Kate extra cuddles when I saw her yesterday night.

And the husband was right. She behaved very normally as if she hadn't had a bout of allergy reaction! Am very proud of my strong baby.

3. Caring for Kate

The MIL is the primary care-taker of Kate while the husband and I are at work. Two days ago she injured her back and is unable to look after Kate properly as she's now unable to lift heavy things (carry Kate). This is a bummer to the husband and I as we have to make provisions among ourselves to care for Kate. The husband has taken 3 days off and it's my turn coming Friday.

This sudden occurance made me realise that the husband and I hadn't made any contingencies for such situations. Makes me very grateful again, that the husband is such a supportive and hands-on Daddy; and that life is truly different with a baby (it never fails to strike me each time I think about it - and I've already been struck many times!)

Such is life.

1 comment:

  1. wow.. i get so much from reading your posts..poor kate, for having that allergy reaction. but thank god shes fine.. also, what diet changes?

