Friday, September 6, 2013

Weaning off the pacifier

It was a horrific first night. This stubborn little boy kept crying and crying and crying - I swear he cried for a total of 4-5 hours through the whole night. He'd collapse into exhaustion, then jolt awake remembering he needed his poison and cried as hard as before. He'd throw a fit and lie on the ground, and there was a point in the night when the husband and I just looked helplessly at each other, as we watched him writhe and wail... and I felt pretty awful. But I knew that it was only a necessary evil (process) for him to wean himself off the pacifier.

Surprisingly (and thankfully), he fussed a lot less the next day. Today is day 5 and he no longer asks for the pacifier! HOORAY!

So he's adjusted to being off the pacifier at home, but I'm a little mindful how he'd behave when he was in the car seat. Guess we'll find out soon!

Since we're on this topic of the pacifier, here's just a series of him with it.


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