Sunday, February 16, 2014

A harrowing experience

习字, never a preferred activity of mine back in school, has come back in the form of K's homework. Ever since she started Kindergarten 1 this year, she's brought back pages (note the plural) of work to do on the weekend - English, Math, coloring, Chinese. It's been a bit of a hindrance to our weekend plans because I always have to find some time to sit down with her to do it. In my daughter's quest to learn and achieve, I have also had to learn to abide by her rules and requirements. All very sexy and extremely difficult, this parenting business. Anyhow, I digress. 

This particular piece of worksheet horrified me at first sight. It's K's Chinese name - and as you can tell, it isn't exactly a piece of cake. 

We spent a (very) painful hour with her on this. It shaved years off my life, generated tears (hers - though mine was close) and my jaw now aches from gritting it so hard. 

It's completed, and we all breathe a sigh of relief. I say "we", because I HAD to involve the husband to sit with her through the exercise too. It's too good not to share. To more learnings and bonding sessions! 

And at the end of this session, when K was enjoying an ice-cream with tear stains on her cheek, she said. 

K: mommy?
Me: yes?
K: I think I want to change name. 
Me: what to? 
K: .... To no Chinese name. 

Hahahaha! Ok that wasn't my response to her but I was totally cracking up inside. The way her brain operates is... Funny. Yet logical post the 习字session! 

1 comment:

  1. ROFL ! HILARIOUS ! hahhahahahahahah i love kate ! #myfavouriteniece
