Monday, February 1, 2016

Morning madness - version January 2016

Today is the 1 February and Lunar New Year is one week away. How quickly time has flown by!
January went by in a whizz because I was out of town for 2 out of 4 weeks in that month, throw in the multiple needs of adjustments in terms of weather (Korea was cold, Billund was colder), time (Korea was +1 hour, Billund was -7 hours) not to mention the whole household routine being updated with the children both going to school at different timings compared to last year.
For the first two weeks, our morning schedule looked like this:
5.15am: K wakes up. 
5.40am: K goes down to take the school bus. Our original pick-up point was 3 blocks away and the bus was always waiting by the time we headed down and it was slightly stressful to hurry towards the bus.
5.45am: I used the time I had to run/workout/do yoga.
6.05am: Jake wakes up
6.30am: I'm done with my exercise
6.40am: I bring Jake down to take the school bus.
6.45am: the house is dead quiet with no kids at all... and I have time to eat my breakfast and wash up
7.45am: I go off to work

After a few weeks of this, the husband and I decided last week that it was ridiculous for J to take the school bus. He starts school at 8.15am so that translates into him being on the roads for more than an hour before he arrives! I know K does too but the distance to her school is way longer.. and that is another set of transportation considerations that we are thinking of.
So, since last week, our morning routine is as such:
5.15am: K wakes up
5.40am: K goes down. The bus driver had noticed that it is quite a distance from our home to the pick-up point, and we made arrangements for a different pick-up point that is right beside our block. It works out better for everyone
5.45-7am: I get a longer window period of me-time. In the past week, I have worked out once, had breakfast with the husband once, practised yoga twice, and did a 7km run.
7am: J wakes up
7.40am: we are both out of the house together. My dad picks us up, sends me to the train station and J to school
It's been working well so far, and I'm glad that we have such an amazing family support unit to help one another out. The afternoon schedule is a bit of a mix because of different knock-off times for K during the week. Our night routine is also still work-in-progress as I try to find a good time and routine that works for us all. I've tried several options last week and pretty much ended up being stressed a lot. I'm working on it all - the routine, my temperament.
I'm sure we'll figure something out soon!
In the meantime, here's a picture of my firstborn - that's her... with her lopsided toothy grin (that's mine!), messy hair (ah-hem. the sister's), and her very own personality.

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