Friday, March 16, 2012

Play-dough fun & love

I've not exposed Kate to play-doh, primarily - uh, no. scratch that - solely because I'm lazy. We've received a set for her 2nd birthday but I never got round to opening it up because well, there's no time but I know, it's really because of my laziness (I KNOW! I admitted it already ok!)

So anyway. A couple of days back, a friend came to visit and she brought along a little tub of wheat clay from Daiso, it's very similar to play-dough and it comes in many different colours. With the now-limited toys in our new place, I was more than happy to let her try it. Of course, Kate also didn't allow otherwise - she pounced on it and insisted "I want to play this!"

I've read before how lego and play-dough provides hours of fun & play for kids and it's proven to be true! Kate loves playing with the dough - she's not great at it and usually just mashes up the colours; though she enjoys someone sitting with her and making things. She will ask for "teddy bear cookies" or "cakes" or whatever and within these couple of days, she's learnt to roll and flatten the dough, roll and flatten more dough to pile on top to create "faces" - though she has no sense of proportion nor colours and everything looks like mush. But I love how she enjoys playing with it and while I feel a tinge of guilt to not exposing her to it earlier, I'm still pleased that she enjoys it!

Kate at play

Today, the aunt was playing with her and they were making birthday cakes with candles. I was just putting Jake down in his cot when Kate came charging into the room and I grimaced as I held my breath, worrying if she may wake him up (she didn't - phew) and she said loudly while running, "This is for didi!"

Teeny weeny cake for my brother

She then placed a tiny cake with candles beside Jake and declared proudly, "this small small one is for didi!" It made my heart melt, how sweet Kate is.

To the girlfriends who have given me support and encouragement after I went on an emo-dip couple of days ago - thank you. I know that things will get better/worse and it'll always be a ride; and I'll soldier on bravely and I also know where to seek love from if I need it! *hugs I also know that there will be moments like this where it makes it all, worthwhile.

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