Friday, May 9, 2014

Reminders on priorities in life

Work has been rather hectic and this week, I clocked two consecutive nights till 11pm. It was on this second night at about 10pm when I received a call from home. I already guessed what was coming - my homebodies wanted to know when I'd be back. 

K told me there's something happening at school the next day (Friday), "Mommy I want you to come so I can hold your hand and sing you the Mothers' Day song!" I was stumped because it was so last minute, too late for me to check with the school what the programme was and I had to work. I gave a non-committal response as I didn't want to lie about turning up if I really couldn't and she was upset. When I hung up, I felt a part of me weep because while I am a FTWM, I don't want to become a non-existent Mother. I felt despise as I felt that I'm compromising my values by letting my child down. I recall another such occasion previously where there was some simple performance in school (I think it was for Chinese New Year) but because we couldn't make it, I tasked my Dad to go and it was all worth it because K was obviously happy that 爷爷 was there to witness her sterling performance. 

I made it a point to try my best to make an appearance. Before 8am today, I rang the school and found out that there was indeed a Mothers' Day celebration at 0815. In one of those critical and swift decision-making moments, I whipped the troupe into shape ("Everyone out of your pyjamas now!"), dialed for a cab and we made it to school by 0830! The assembly had already begun but only just and I spent the next 30minutes in sheer joy

To witness my daughter bloom with a twinkle in her eye while waving at me happily when the kids were told to "look at your mothers", to see how my secondborn fit right into the room sitting beside his elder sister, to hear the angelic voices of the children as they sang two songs - an English and a Chinese version; to have Kate hug me on cue when prompted by the teachers... I was not shy to have tears well up in my eyes as I held on tightly to these two precious beings who have made such an impact to my life and how I have become/ am still developing as they grow each day. Today, I give myself a pat on my back for making the right decision of making time for my child. It was the right thing to do and I am blessed to feel the love. Thank you, Kate for reminding me life lessons of priorities in life.

My heart nearly burst from all the emotions I felt, my eyes welled up with tears, my nose turned red from trying not to wail... everything is better because I have these two perfect little people in my life. 

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