Thursday, January 26, 2017

200 runs

A friend started on a running journey early January. She tagged it #target200runs and seems to be on a mission to well, run 200 runs. I should clarify with her if there is a minimum distance to cover, or other conditions; but so far, several friends have joined in this fitness journey. I run anyway, and I figure there is no harm joining in. All I need to do is include the same #hashtag and number my runs as I accomplish them. I have been slacking in the running department, and this was the right motivation to get me started.

My first run in this #target200runs
So while I did some short runs (2.4km) early Jan, they were just warm-up types with no motivation to do more, this was just the right trigger to get me going. I still do my workouts, I still have my yoga stretches, I replaced some cardio with combat classes but running has taken a back-seat. 
So now, this is a boost for me to run when I feel lazy, and I simply number my runs as I accomplish them.

#target200runs (Current count: 2)

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