Friday, January 6, 2017

Roller-blading at 4years, 10 months old

The father - the very doting and generous grandfather - signed the children up for blading lessons. K took them when she was on the cusp of 5 years old, and now that the boy is at the same age, he's doing the same!

First lesson

Learning how to fall
Look at that happy face
The lesson went well and the boy was very excited to announce that 'I CAN SKATE NOW!' He had a minor accident though, and hurt his chin and lip.
Abrasion on his chin.. no pics of the gross mountain of
ulcers he had on the inside of his mouth. Euw.
He's had 2 lessons, and the father also signed both the kids up for a refresher (private tutorial) and I am very proud to say that the children are pretty good!

Blading at East Coast Park

Now, I'm the only one in the family who does not know how to blade. I did think of taking lessons... and I didn't get around to it... and as time goes by, I am afraid to do so because I do not wish to get hurt. It's not crossed out from my list of to-dos though, so one day, maybe one day....

Until then, I'll continue being very proud of the children and jog alongside them if we hit the park together!

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