Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tic Tac Toe

I found the boy team in the room, heads together in deep conversation one evening last week. To my amusement, they were deep in discussion about strategy.
Where should you place your mark?
Where will your opponent place his?
How can you place your marks correctly after he places his so that you'll win?

Team strategy
Whoever knew that tic tac toe, the simple game that we learnt to play as children, can become so competitive and complex? The boy learnt it and has been eager to play it - as is the enthusiasm with novelty.

I was half amused, half horrified that a simple game has taken on such a serious spin. Of course, I was also the token 'opponent', to test if J has learnt the 'right' steps/skills to always win.

Ah, little perks of being able to turn everything into an education!

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