Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Yoga progress

So, I started being mindful about the way I hold the bottom half (the top half in pic, ha!) of my body when doing a headstand and it's helped in how much straighter I can be. The core is more held in and all it took was for me to clench the butt cheeks, squeeze my thighs together, and pointing my toes upwards.

I have been mindful of these and am happy to see progress in how straight I can be. There is still strain on my shoulders in tripod though, so probably still (1) not strong enough or (2) not doing it properly still.

I have also been trying out a different type of headstand - what is the term I don't know, but I support with my palms. Happy to say, that it's pretty good too!

(L) my first ever type of headstand vs (R) the new one I'm trying

It is so rewarding to try and achieve! I'm still wobbly and it's so true when there are good / bad days. Any progress is good stuff though, so hooray!

Last progress entry here.

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