Monday, May 29, 2017

The week that flew by

It's the last few days before we end this month of May and I cannot, cannot believe it.
Sure, it's been hectic; yes, we've had several exciting things happen in our lives, but still!
Last week, was one of those where time just whizzed by.

Wed: random outing with this girl.
Accomplishments: picked up her passport, attended the parent-teacher-session,
and spent time together, in general.

In between the day, I brought her to the office where she demonstrated some creativity at play.

(L): original fish on the wall. (R): she copied the fish and created more fish on her own.
FYI, the theme was "under the sea" so it looked very nice with more fish!

On the way to lunch.

Thursday, I went for a dinner date with this bunch of girls whom I knew in my previous work life, 10 years ago. It came about quite innocently when we were discussing our past.. and it struck us that it was indeed the 10th year anniversary where we were once-upon-a-time going through a most grueling time of our lives balancing work and this Masterclass. What resulted was this amazing friendship. The moment was topped off by us going back to the original place where it all began.

35 Robinson Road. Masterclass Team O, 2007.

Friday marked the last day of school and while I was at work, the doting grandpa brought the children to the trampoline party. Hooray!

Happy birthday Jaz!

Everyone loves bouncing around.

Look at how tall K is amidst the girls 2 years younger than her!

Saturday was a regular day.. we had class for the kids, errands in the afternoon, and the evening winded down nicely with some lamb that the husband made for us, as supper.


Truth is, we thought of bringing the kids out to play but the evening did not turn out the way we thought because of bad behavior. We ended up staying in to do some work (damn mathematics!) but after the work was cleared, we ended up doing home karaoke with the children singing songs that they picked.


Sunday was a regular affair of hanging out with the grandparents, I cleared more work-child-errands, then while the sister had suggested a healthy walk, it did not happen. Instead...

Everyone had to do some work. Arghhh.

The good thing is that we all did what we needed to do, but truly, I'd have much preferred to do some exercise.

And that, wrapped up last week. In between all that there was regular work, some drinks with friends, more work... and with that. We welcome the mid-year school holidays!

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