Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear Kate

Dear Kate, you turn 9 months old today!
I remember when Papa and I were counting the weeks at the beginning, and now we have graduated to counting the months. Very soon, we'll add year to your age! I was looking through your pictures, from newborn to now, and you have grown so much.

Kate, 1 day old

I can barely remember how tiny you were then. You have grown well and steadily and about 3months ago, you were like a little meatball. Now, you have grown more in length and we can see your neck! After 7 months of very-slow growth, your hair's finally rather visible now. I'm waiting for the day that the bald patch at the back of your head is wholly covered! Your hair is slightly brown and very fine.
Kate in her terribly cute cupcake t-shirt and "styled" hair

Lately, everyone's begun to comment that you look more like Papa and I think the strongest resemblence is that of your eyes.

You are developing very well too on the movement-front. You can crawl (though you don't like it very much), and you do this very cute crawl where you shift your bum from spot-to-spot; rather than crawling on fours. It's a very cautious approach and I like to think that you are not too reckless. You love to walk and will very much prefer for us to hold your hands so you can walk assisted. You take very large steps like a person with a mission - you usually are, heading towards something that has caught your attention. I think we don't allow you to move about on your own enough, perhaps we ought to lay out the carpet more often and allow you more independant play-time.

Standing steadily, walking not-so-steadily-yet

You love to pull yourself to stand and grab everything in sight. We cannot leave you unattended anymore. Just this week, you managed to fall out of your sarong after you awoke from your nap - giving everyone a heart attack! We are grateful that you are fine and it's a lesson learnt that you are truly impossible to be left unattended anymore.

You baby-speak and it is a joy to hear you jabbering away. It's also beginning to sound like you are calling Papa now. You react to pictures and images that you fancy - waving your arms and kicking your legs when you recognise something. You seem to like bears and cats. You know how to clap your hands, do twinkle twinkle when we sing the song, kick your legs, wave.. it's such a joy to watch you pick up new things all the time. Just yesterday, you picked up "HOORAY!" where you kind of wave your arms around frantically - too cute.

I love your smile - you have a very cheeky grin and it's cute when you were toothless and cuter now that you bare your 2 front teeth.

Cheeky Kate

I love you watching your response when you recognise me. Sometimes you smile, sometimes you wave your hands about, sometimes you cry until I carry you. You make my day great (no matter what I went through at work) the moment I reach home and see you. I love cuddling you - though I'm not sure if you like it very much, You much prefer to wriggle and twist about to touch, see and absorb anything and everything! Sometimes, when you're in the mood (and not terribly distracted), you will respond when we ask you to sayang us, by leaning your head towards us to show your affection.

You love to gai gai and you demonstrated your protests very loudly when you thought that we weren't bringing you out, or when we weren't quick enough to step out of the house! When out, you'll stare in wonder at everything you see and charm everyone you meet along the way. I've handed you to many strangers who'd asked to carry you and you nearly always allow them to. You're my friendly baby.

Papa and I are trying to get you into a new sleep habit, I hope that you will adapt quickly - for your own good. You still wake up in the night crying, and I always soothe you back to sleep. It's been 9months of interrupted sleep (not counting my pregnant days) and I don't mind, as every moment with you is precious and at night, you're all mine. But in time to come, you need to learn independance and sleep through the night - I just don't know when it'd happen.

The past 9 months have been a journey of discovery, learning, happiness and tears. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. You bring immense joy to our lives.

Love, Mommy

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