Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It started out with a mildly leaky nose yesterday morning.

And suddenly, an hour after we tried to put Kate to sleep at night (a 2-hour process), she woke up suddenly coughing badly and retching. I suspected that her tummy was unwell, the husband said it may be her choking due to the phlegm clogging up her throat.

After applying the all-time-favourite juyi oil on her tummy, and rocking her, Kate finally went back to sleep after 1 & 1/2 hours. She cried quite a bit and I could sense her discomfort.

This morning, her nose started running and the MIL brought her to the doctors'.

Kate's down with a stomach virus of sorts (gives her wind - which explains the retching) and she has a cold.

I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, wondering if anything I did in the past few days had caused her to fall ill. I also console myself that my little one is building her own antibodies that will make her stronger than before.

It's probably a seasonal thing as I also have a sore throat and leaky nose (which worsened as the day progressed).

I'm looking forward to going back to give my baby a hug. Or maybe, I should say I am really looking forward to going back to receive a hug from her.

1 comment:

  1. awww. i hope little kate feels better..hugs from auntie wai wai
