Friday, July 9, 2010

Sneaking in some alone time

It is important to have quality time with people you love and this has never been more true after I became a mother.

Kate takes up a lot of my time and the little I have left is divided between the necessary routines (showering, eating etc) and the things I have to do (work) and the roles I have to play (being a wife, a friend, a lover) and being my own person (exercise, facial, read etc).

Last night, I reached home 15minutes earlier than usual and I felt like there was so much I could do! I decided, on a whim, to bring Kate down to the supermarket for a quick shop. It was so fun - I love carrying her, seeing her respond and marvel at people and things.

Last Saturday, the husband and I spent Saturday night all to ourselves. We caught a DVD just like the old days pre-baby and we both could sleep on the bed without worrying that we'd squash Kate.

Time alone with your loved ones are the best ones.

1 comment:

  1. i agree that time with your loved ones are the best ones! well said!!!!!!!
