Thursday, March 5, 2015


So, in a blink of an eye, Chinese New Year is over. Today is the 15th day of the Lunar New Year, and it also ends the two-week long indulgent feasting and playing. 

Life has been hectic, with weekdays overflowing with work and stress, then weekends passing in a blur with fun, games and food. 

Tonight, we all made effort to gather around the dining table at the Mother's, to taste her tasty home-cooked meal, to chit-chat about happy events, to lao yusheng, to laugh, to love. 


Nothing can be that bad if we are altogether, all healthy. Let's all be thankful of the little things, be appreciate of the most important people and things in life. I have every single one of them in my heart and mine in theirs, and that's what matters.

Happy lunar new year to you, hope that you had a great one and are blessed with family and love like me too!

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