Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Goodbye, March

It has been a long, long month. 

The month started full of festivity with the mid-to-end of Chinese New Year. 

Zhap-gor meh, Teochew for "15th night" (literally). The last lohei tossed with the family.
Filled with love and laughter!

Work crept into our lives, consuming us whole; making me pant and feel like I was out of breath - loads to plan, forecast, action upon. 

I celebrated my birthday on several occasions - With the family. The friends (plus family). The girlfriends. 

My first restaurant week experience at a new Italian with my girls. The wine was delish!

The actual day itself was dismal - a huge lesson for me to learn how to manage my emotions and keep my head up. 
In between it all, I still felt like I couldn't catch up. Work just kept steaming ahead. I felt like I was not living from Mondays-Fridays and the weekends passed too quickly. 

I was so tired. 

The husband had an equally unforgiving month full of work and school and it came to a point we didn't even celebrate our anniversary

Besides being busy, though, Singapore also went through a week of mourning for a very special and respected forefather. It was an emotional week. 

Then, life got better. I had a few lunches last and this week. I caught up with different friends. I learnt of new things about them and their lives. It felt so good to step out for lunch and feel normal. 

Was I burnt out? Probably. Am I defeated? No. 

I am thankful that in the extremely busy month, I still sneaked in pockets of love and fun for myself. Some things happened for a reason and I'm hopeful that they mean something. I discovered that a friend had a close shave with cancer last year - he is my age and I am so thankful he is well now. Just this morning, I was gazing at my children and enjoying their sounds of play with each other. 

I hope you both love each other until the end of time

It has been quite a ride, March. I remember it was quite a fun time, typically - when the husband and I had time to go away together last year and it is the month of my birthday and anniversary. But this year, it has been rather oddly different. 

I will try to keep the lessons I learnt in my heart and mind. It has been tiring and I want to pace myself better now. 

So, goodbye March. 

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