Sunday, March 26, 2017

ilight at Marina Bay

Our previous weekend, the attempt to bring the kids to ilight failed. So given that it's the last weekend before ilight ended, I decided to bring the children for a walk. It did not turn out as I wished - they did not get to jump at Art Zoo, nor did they make it to Uncle Ringo. Also, of the two hours we were there, an hour had no lights because they shut-down to celebrate Earth Hour! Geez.

However, the point is that the family got to spend it together, and while they probably did not have 200% fun, they still had an evening out, plus time with the nainai.
Strolling along the river, I found it very strange I could not see some lights (I had thought that they were already beginning to teardown due to end of event). The merlion was so dark!

Besides catching the merlion, we stopped by the area outside Esplanade where some bands were jamming. I told J that next time, when he's gotten great at drums, he may perform there too! I wonder if such encouragement/statements made to the children will stick and get them to realise this possibility?

Seahsational icon of our family

Family. And a ninja
The Uncle Ringo fair was located at the far end of the promenade and after some contemplation, I decided it was too far to walk there to play and walk all the way back. So, we settled for a mini play-time at the Platform area.

Laser tag

We had some drinks and snacks along the way, and I felt bad when the kids kept asking why they couldn't go to Art Zoo. Quite poorly planned, I think. I'll make it up to them another time!

A highlight for me was how we managed to stroll along the river as a family. It's not an everyday/common affair for us to do so and it was nice.

Supporting the MBS 'boat' with his strong fingers!

Spending the time with nainai

We headed back pretty late that night and the kids had no problems crashing to sleep. Still a nice way to spend Saturday evening.

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