She yells like madness when she's hungry, cranky, uncomfortable, bored - basically she knows what she wants and she LETS YOU KNOW IT. Loudly.
She can communicate with baby coos and gurgles.
She smiles and laughs (I've only heard her laugh aloud a few times, I wish to hear more!).
She is ticklish (about her body and her neck).
She is attracted to bright colourful things like books.
She can lay in the playthingy and watch the toys carousel above her head.
She recognises people.
She does not like places that are very-very noisy.
She eats everything she gets her hands on. Including her hands.
She can twist her body to her left-side and nearly flip-over.
She can roll over (I've seen her do that once) but her one hand was still stuck beneath her body and her response is to cry in frustration (which is really cute haha).
She rubs her eyes and yawns when she feels sleepy.
She feeds efficiently from both bottle and boob (yay - the bottle-feeding-worry I raised in my previous post is no longer!)
She likes to sit upright (assisted) and ends up looking like she's doing crunches half the time.
She went through a phase where she hated showers; thank goodness that phase has passed.
She has sensitive skin.
She has responded relatively well to the 2-vaccinations she'd already taken in the 2nd & 3rd month. She was very grouchy and felt warm but no fever!
She can see clearly and is attracted especially to moving objects.
She is becoming used to sitting in the car seat and has even dozed off and slept in it on a few occasions.
She can hold things in her hands.
She is becoming aware of her hands and stares at them intently (making her look a little cross-eyed which is truly cute).
She stretches herself when she wakes up from a nap - like her lazy Daddy.
She burps rather quickly after feed.
She listens to you when you talk to her.
She has some hair now.
She can sleep up to 6-hours at night (woot!); most nights she sleeps about 4-5hours before waking up for feeds.
She can lift her head up in a 'crawl' position - cannot crawl just yet.
While talking with the husband the other night, I realise that having a baby is love in its purest form. You don't love the child because of something he/she has done (let's not go into what the child makes you do); you love the child simply because.