Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday night drama

{This happened on, uh, Friday. But I only had time to share it now.}

It was about 7pm. I had arranged to meet my Dad who'd bring Kate to have dinner altogether. I ordered a bowl of fish soup and rice for us to share, and I took a seat. I was contemplating on what else to order when I felt this ache between my breasts, right at the top of my pregnant bump. It felt like there was an air bubble there and causing me mild breathlessness. I tried to sit upright, thinking that I was squashing Jake or something and that was his way of protesting. But the discomfort morphed quite quickly into discomfort and before long, it became sharp stabs of pain from that same spot down the rest of my belly. I was breaking out in sweat and my head was beginning to feel light and woozy.

Ow, ow, OW! The discomfort was fast becoming just plain pain and I started to (mildly) panic. Was this a sign of labour? Where's Dad? The husband was at school and I quickly rang up my mom (good ol' Mommy's always the next on speed-dial). After a brief conversation with her, sharing my high level of discomfort and confusion, she told me to just monitor the situation and before long, my Dad appeared and I was so relieved to see him! I couldn't stomach anything so while he had dinner with Kate, I was in such a poor state I just laid my head to rest on the table.

All this while, in my head, I was uncertain if it were signs of labour, and I kept thinking how I should best prepare myself for next steps. I had contingencies flying through my head - could Dad send me to the hospital with Kate? Yes. Maybe I just needed to do a dump - I must then muster strength to walk home (no way to the public toilet). Or perhaps it will dull soon before peaking again and.... my brain was seriously on high alert despite the pain and all this while when I was sloshed across the food table.

Thankfully, the pain started to dull and by the time dinner was over for Dad and Kate, my cold sweat had evaporated and I was able to breathe more normally. We all made our way back home and thank goodness for family support (!!!) - cos all I had strength for was to do a dump (not worthy of the pain I'd undergone) and shower and I quickly laid on the bed to rest. I was mindful to monitor the pain and well, just in case it was a sign.

I hadn't wanted the husband to panic (though on hindsight, I doubt he would have) so all I told him (via sms) was that "I got stomachache!" followed by "I'm going to take a dump. Made it home." and since this dur-head didn't have any idea of how painful my tummy really was, his response was (insert dry laugh here) "Don't poop Jake out ok"


So anyway. The sister, the boyfriend and the Mother also came by the house that night to help me babysit Kate while I was resting. And by the time the husband came home from school, it was as if everything was normal.

My tummy had stopped aching and I was feeling much more calm. I don't know what to make out of the pain - the husband reckons that Jake had hit something somewhere that caused my discomfort. Mom said it's a false alarm. All I know is that I was frightened by the episode. It made me realise that I really have to be more mindful of my body and not push it. Till today, I'm still lugging things (Kate included) around and driving on my own and behaving pretty much like normal with no thought or worry of, well, anything happening. But after this episode, I realise that I have to be more careful and must remember to always do the most safe action if anything ever did occur when I was alone (eg, what to do if I felt pain while driving). Besides this, I also remember that

No signs nor symptoms since the drama-of-a-bad-stomachache, though my tummy has been more upset since and I'd to do more small poops (oops, tmi). But I do need to be.more.careful.

Yup. So that was MY Friday night drama. There's a part two to this - in relation to Kate.

So when the husband got home from school, he was welcomed by the sight of me patting Kate in bed, as if we'd just gone through a normal, routine evening. Kate was already very sleepy by this time (10pm) and she was very cranky and she naughtily pushed the husband away saying "go away!" She's done this before but instead of his shoulder or body, Kate had pushed at the husband's face similar to a slap. In retaliation, the husband playfully told her "you don't like it if I did it to you, right?" and he reciprocated!

I immediately put a stop to their silly behaviour (the face is a no-go-zone!) and reprimanded them both. I said that they are not allowed to hit faces and both of them should apologise to each other.

The husband got the hint and did so; and we both waited for Kate to reply.

.... she didn't. In fact, she got all wound up and started to sniffle.

After a while of repeating myself (Papa had already said "sorry", you hit Papa too so you need to say sorry to him...), I realise that this girl was not going to budge so I changed tact.

"Mommy does not want to sleep with a naughty child. You have to say 'sorry' to Papa or you can go sleep in your own room" We then handed her her pillow & bolster and carried her off the bed.

Kate walked out of our room.


The husband and I stared at each other in disbelief and (fill in adjective here)! Our 2 year old kid just chose to walk out rather than obey us and do the right thing. O boy.

The night ended with her crying in her room, and both the husband and I going to her and coaxing her to do the right thing and by the end of the night, the husband and her had made up. But seriously, we were both astounded (to say the least) at her behaviour.

I cannot imagine how things may be when she's even older. O boy.

So yes. That wraps up the two key dramas that occured on Friday.

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