Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kate & school

It's been a month since Kate's started school and I'm so happy to share that she is thoroughly enjoying herself - hooray!

She comes home with stories of her friends (her good friends are Shiloh & Shanae, Benjamin is the "naughty one" and the next name that pops up is Judith). I've checked the name list when I last visited the school and am happy and proud to say that those are indeed her classmates and none of them imaginary nor wrong!

She's at this stage where she's gaining independence and is (sometimes annoyingly over-) enthusiastic in wanting to do things by herself. I do want to encourage this behaviour and have to remind myself that she's only a child and I ought to be happy with her enthusiasm. Though I want to pull my hair out when she does a messy/slow job cos it's just tiring to have to do more in her bid to try. For example, she'll insist on wearing her own shoes and socks when she's running late to board the school bus. Ggrrrr. Note to self: be more patient!

I'm a big girl, I can wear by myself ok?

I love how she breaks out into new songs randomly at home - her new learnings include CNY songs (which obviously we do not sing at home - in truth, I think the husband and I don't even know a proper CNY song), the national anthem (her current favourite and we are treated to bits and pieces and whole parts of the song all day and night - she really really loves singing it! & we are treated to Majulah Singapura around the clock. Repeatedly. ) and prayers (May God bless you!)

The husband and I are not religious beings but we are aware that the school is Christian and we have no issues at all that she's being exposed to religion. But it is terribly amusing because she's started going on and on with bits of prayers she's learnt to say in school and the "blessings" she bestows upon everyone at home is in abundant and terribly cute.

My girl in her favourite number one seat in the classroom

Dear Kate, you are such an adorable little child. I'm glad that you enjoy yourself so much in school and that you're making friends and learning new things daily. I hope this enthusiasm for learning continues long into your life and may you be happy with new discoveries and knowledge each day. 

Love, Mommy

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