Thursday, October 22, 2015

Happy birthday, my dearest little sister

There are many reasons to celebrate this special day of yours, my sister, and I hope the video this morning started it off on a bright and cheery note.
This post is dedicated specially to you on this day and it'd be a long one, pictorially, to list the goodness-much of you!
You come up with the craziest ideas of having the whole family do some
random butt/legs/squat challenge and we did, just because!
You were by my side, my pillar of strength and support through this sensitive
and emotionally-draining National Day period last year. For that, I thank you.

You are always so willing and able to help me with random fun things - like
hunting down these amazing masks that worked so well for our themed birthday celebration!

You do this.
You are my peer, joining my friends and I for drinks and funfare.
You not only help out, but create amazing centrepieces for my children's parties.

You do this.
You provide the best props #donutlife

You put in effort to organise family shoots so that we all get a chance to
look pretty and have these moments captured on print.

You are such a great gifter of appropriate and lovely presents!

You are my partner and motivation to exercise, being silly and
joining events with me for fun and laughter!

You help co-ordinate and bring mascots to parties and bring a whole new
level of unbelievable happiness! The 2yo-birthday parties of both K & J
have been phenomenal thanks to you!

You are my glutton-partner and we go to great lengths to
hunt down the best eats.

Though, we also try to balance life (and our weight) by working out together!

Together, we attract the worst stories of horror and semi-fear. Ah, the importance of needing
a manicure/pedicure. No one else will understand it the same.

You are blood but you are nearly becoming whiskey (huh) and you also help
keep our sibling sandwich intact.

You hunt down deals and we become celebrity status because we took a picture
with Wong Lilin #justsaying

You appreciate this.

We share similar tastes and things and sometimes that just rocks.

You do this.

You have unwittingly created a tradition for our family at Christmas,
where we cannot go without props or it will not be the same!

My daughter inherited your silliness.

You are my first picture on ig 159w ago. You keep my cool factor in check.

I love you. Happy birthday, my baby sister.

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