Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pretty Woman

I found myself flicking channels last night, and caught the teaser that the movie, Pretty Woman, was going to start in 6 minutes. It was already close to 11pm, and a workday but the pull to re-watch this movie was strong and... I did.

Not only did I watch it, I completed the entire movie! I remember the plot clearly, but I was fascinated to watch it over again. The details, the depth of understanding the move, it's all much clearer now and it was fun. I totally enjoyed myself. I think this reminds me that I am a romantic at heart, and it's so easy to get caught in the daily humdrum of life and forget that there is love in this world.

Of course, I'm not disillusioned in expecting fairy tales to come true, but to watch a feel-good movie and actually laugh at parts of the movie - it felt so great. I really think that as we grow up and take on responsibilities in life, and go about chasing money and ambitions, it's easy to forget the little things in life.

Last night, I opted to watch a movie I wanted to despite it being really late (I ended up sleeping at 1am!) but sometimes, it's all worth it because I felt happy and the movie feel-good made me feel happy and though I'm tired right now, it's nothing more caffeine cannot fix.

I enjoyed the characters bantering, the love story, the soundtrack so old school but so familiar. I'd forgotten how handsome Richard Gere looks and am so envious of Julia Roberts and her unique beauty (and that amazing body!)

It was nice. It was a nice mid-week treat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I am Maddy and I represent Spurbox. I am please to inform you that Spurbox would like to cordially invite your family and one guest to our SPURBOX HALLOWEEN PARTY on 11th October 2015.

    This is a ticketed event comprising of children crafts, games & activities and a kids disco session. This party also coincides with the launch of our BRAND NEW SPURBOX P-Skool program.

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    We look forward to your reply so we can prepare a special goodie bag upon your attendance. Please RSVP with me by tomorrow if you are able to attend. I am reachable at mobile (97412300).
