Thursday, July 28, 2016


It was about 10 years ago, and while I don't remember the date or year clearly, I remember my first paid race was for 'Run for Hope' (or something to that extent) - while I don't remember the name of the run, I do remember the cause. It was a run to gather funds and to support cancer, and it was a 10-km race held at East Coast Park. I had signed up with some friends and the husband.

I hated it. I was gasping, I was out of breath, the husband was encouraging me, trying to be supportive and all I remember was snapping at him and willing him to shut up because I was so, super, duper grumpy! It's safe to declare that it was not a fit period of my life.

I believe I started running at the gym. I was a gym bunny at some points in my life (approximately 2002-2009) where I held membership at the original Planet Fitness) and I enjoyed the group classes tremendously and running was ok and conducted on the treadmill. I liked the control I had knowing the information of what I had accomplished - seeing the distance and time clearly on the machine validated my exercise. I never quite understood why some friends preferred to run 'in the outdoors'. Clocking time built my stamina and I beliee  I then remember another race, my first (& only) 12km race with the husband and his friends; it was a 2XU race and I did it just because I thought I was pretty ready to tackle this. I believe this run was after I had birthed K and before I was pregnant with J. I also remember that by this race, I was not grumpy, not as unfit and did pretty fine.

At some point after I delivered K and before I was pregnant again (2009-2011), I aborted paying for any fitness memberships because I just did not have the time, energy or commitment to stick it out at the gym as before. Instead, I opted to run. I believe I started because I was cheap (no need to pay to run in the open), and I was constrained by the time that I had (random bouts of free time when the child was taken care of/ asleep/ etc) plus I was vain. I was done with being 'pregnant/pregnant fat/post pregnant fat' and wanted to do something about it. So I did. I ran by the canal near my in-law's home where I used to stay with the husband.

Then pregnancy happened (round 2) and I was inactive again for about 1.5years, before I reverted to running for all the same reasons I did before. This time, my body was more accustomed to moving and I did runs with the husband (sometimes like this) and I also started jogging in the mornings with my son, the early riser. I remember using the 'map my run' application to monitor my progress.

I then switched over to use the Nike Running App because it was sleeker and I'm biased towards Nike. I started it in 2014, January and it has been a good run.

January 2014 - July 2016 - 1005km clocked

I was promoted to 'blue'!

The run on 1 July when I crossed the 1000km mark

To more runs, to an able and healthy body, to being happy (hello endorphins!), to being fit.

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