Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby pincers

Kate is a pincher.

Because she is a little person, anything she does seems cute. And when she pinches, it is a little bearable. But when it's become this often and seemingly necessary, it's becoming a real pain.

She does this in a different ways - when we carry her; or when she goes to sleep.
The poor MIL has bruises along both her arms inflicted by Kate.

I'm also been on the receiving end and it's especially bad for me at night time, when she's about to go to sleep and insists on pinching, kneading those tiny fingers of hers like pincers against skin (mostly mine; unfortunately for me, she seems to prefer me to the husband).

Some babies have their smelly pillows, some need the pacifier.
After we managed to kick her habit of suckling (me) to sleep, we now have another problem.
Really gotta do something about this - it's becoming painful

Mini bruises from mini pincers


  1. omg.. elise likes biting.ouch...
    also, how did u get kate off the, urmmm suckling?

  2. thru sheer determination.
    we gave her the bottle/pacifier and she cried through the initial stages really really badly. but we kept at it and she adapted within 2 days.
