Friday, August 27, 2010

Three times lucky

For the first 10 months of her life, Kate woke up one to three times each night for feeds. I was breastfeeding her then, so while it was tiring, I'd gotten into a familiar routine of feeding her in bed, both of us half asleep.

I remember the husband and I talking about her sleep pattern, and discussing (pining) when she will start sleeping through the night. There was no answer then, because obviously this was something we had absolutely no control over.

I know of mothers who have strict routines, who follow parenting books and achieve amazing clockwork schedules with their kids. Uh, let's just say we're not those types. I mean, I was hell stressed in the initial periods of motherhood where I tried to follow these schedules; but when I did not succeed and the stress was too much to bear (these self-imposing standards, I tell you...) I quite simply gave up. And just went with the flow.

With the husband who is a major type L for lalala (read, anything goes - I made this up, btw in case anyone's trying to decipher which personality type this belongs to), who does not like planning, it works out well. I pretty much have become a lot less planning and alot more lalala since I've become his wife, and even more so after becoming her mother.

I think it's me shifting into survival mode - because there is only that much a person can cope and deal with.

So anyway, going laissez-faire works pretty well in our household. And Kate's doing great! Even if she wakes up in the night.

But, ladies and gentlemen, that seems to be no more.

Since we introduced formula milk to her a month ago, she has slowly evolved into waking up only once in the night for feed. And for the past THREE nights, Kate's woken up whiney and pretty much rolls back to sleep after we feed her the pacifier.

I'm stoked!

Now let's hope this sticks.

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