Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Kate

Dear Kate,

Happy 11 months old!

This morning, I gave you an extra tight hug (quite a feat as you were, as always, trying to wriggle away) as I celebrated how much you have grown. I love your thin bony arms, round tummy and cherubic cheeks (actually, I love everything about you).
You weigh 8.7kg and are 72cm long. This falls in the 50% percentile - so all's well!

You have graduated from the "sit-down walker" to the pushing one and you are able to walk rather quickly with it now; next you'll have to learn how to steer it yourself.
You also love walking assisted and you'll lift your arms up seeking us to hold you so that you can walk about. I love that you'll stop and look up at me after a few steps, as if to say "hello Ma!" and as I look back at you, my heart will fill with love.

I can stand!

You are a trouper with a mission, always knowing where you wish to head to and walk purposefully in that direction. When I try to steer you away, you know how to sit down in protest to escape from my grip! You are able to crawl, in your funny three-legged style, very quickly now. Just the other day, I realise that you are able to climb up the slide at the playground on your own.

Runaway baby

You love playtime, especially silly games, and I'm beginning to experiment different ways and means to make big, dramatic actions - anything to tease out that lovely giggle of yours. You flash your four big teeth at me when you laugh and it is a sight for sore eyes.

I love singing and reading rhymes with you. By now, you recognise many of them and are able to gesture along with them. Your current playlist include Eensy Weensy Spider, Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle Twinkle, Little Teapot, Round the Garden and your current favourite is This Little Piggy. Now that you've mastered all of these, I definitely got to find more songs and games to amuse you with.

You still love bears and cats. The former you'll never fail to point to when you spot it - whether it's in books, or toys in shops. The latter you have the funniest way of expressing your delight when you see them!


You are definitely learning to speak and nothing really makes much sense, except for "umm" which you associate with food/feeding, and your favourite word now has got to be PAPA! It's very amusing to hear you say "papa" no matter how many times I coax you to say "mama". You also know how to go "wowo" when we say "how does the dog bark?" Your comprehension levels have also gone up and you know to point to objects which we name.

You are a very sociable baby who LOVES to get out of the house. Recently, you've even taken to taking the initiative to smile at any person you see - and everyone who is at the receiving end of your toothy grin never fails to smile back, and I beam with pride that my daughter is such a little bundle of joy.

Kate and her cheeky, toothy grin

You have always enjoyed food and your diet is a good mix of liquid and solids by now. You know when your food is being prepared and you'll go "umm". Your milk consumption has increased to 150-180ml about 2-3 times a day, and you take well to cereals of different flavours, as well as porridge with different ingredients 2-3 times a day too. You love fruits, even the slightly sour ones like strawberry! You have become a lot more demanding lately, insisting on eating when we are eating too. While we could get away with distracting you with toys before, we have to share our food now or you will yell in protest! It's very amusing to see you pointing to food on the table while nodding furiously, showing us in your own way that you wish to eat too! You also know to crawl towards the pantry area, pointing at the biscuit tin you see sitting on the shelf.

Watch me stuff bread into my mouth!

2 weeks ago, you tasted formula milk for the first time in your life. You didn't like it very much initially, and we had to experiment with different brands of formula. We also had to mix breast milk and formula milk for a while to get you accustomed to the new taste. You are taking formula milk very well now. I miss breastfeeding you, my baby, but I also know that it is the right time to wean you off. I will always remember our intimate feeding moments, they will always be special to me.

Your character is becoming more and more defined as days go by, and you're definitely a feisty little one. You are energetic and playful, friendly and cheeky.

I still think that we don't have enough time together, but I'm getting used to being a working mom. I know that you're in good hands when Daddy and I are at work and I love how you squeal when you see us after work.

I'm thankful that I have such a beautiful baby sleeping besides me every night; Daddy and I love to watch you sleep. Last night, we were just talking about how much we love you and we want you to know that we love you very very much.

Sleeping beauty

Happy 11 months my precious.

Love, Mommy

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