Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear Kate

Dear Kate,

You turn 17months old on this 17th of February. You are a month away from 1.5years old!

Your growth, in all senses, is remarkable.

On the physical front, you got a free hair-cut before CNY. You now sport a cute stylish bob with china-doll bags. Very stylish, I must say. You have also put on a little weight (10.3kg as weighed yesterday) and seem to have grown about 2cm, according to the home-meter (the self-marked scribbles Papa and I have made by making you stand against the wall). Your face is as cherubic as ever and though Papa denies it, he so has bit into your cheeks.

What's most impressive, I gotta say, is your behavioral development. You've always proven yourself to be very clever, able to comprehend what we say. You continue to demonstrate to us that you do understand by choosing what you wish to do, or not. You feign ignorance at times that pleases you, and yet perform the same task with gusto if the mood suits you. It's terribly frustrating but also amazing that at this age, you already have so much character. You managed to learn to speak your first sentence just two days ago, a phrase that (surprise surprise *deadpan) is related to the non-animate love of your life, food. You also continue to build your vocabulary steadily with new words. Some of them require a lot more polishing in the pronunciation department (rabbit = jitjit) but we who are close to you know what you're saying most of the time.

You happen to be sick today (since yesterday), running a temperature but with the diarrhea under control, which is not fun. But besides being more clingy and whiney than usual, you're still up and about being your usual spunky self. There's an old folk-heresay that kids grow up after they fall ill, I rather fancy to believe that and look forward to more growth from you in all ways when you recover (quickly please).

You are a lovely, expressive child and this is something that Papa and I have consciously wanted you to be, by moulding the environment so that you will be this way. We always say "I love you" freely, because we do so love you very much; and we hug and kiss you all the time. In return, you have reciprocated the same way by hugging and kissing us too. In the past week, you seem to think that it's a game, kissing Papa and I repeatedly when we do group hugs. It's so heartwarming and lovely to see you express your love for us this way, and I hope that our family will always be openly affectionate because that's just how we prefer it.

Of course, it's not all been a bed of roses. You throw tantrums, you ignore us, you disobey us and those are trying times. I'll like to think that you're generally a good kid, but you can be sure of one thing: Papa and I will not spoil you. If you behave badly, we will reprimand and punish you accordingly. We will not tolerate disrespect, rudeness and any form of bratty behavior, so you can continue to test the boundaries; rest assured that we will do our part as parents to put you in place.

Being a mom to you continues to be the best thing I've ever done in my life. The past 17months has honestly been amazing growth for me too - learning to be a mom, a better person, a better wife, is the most challenging and rewarding job ever. You have made my life so much better, with more to look forward to, you are the meaning in my life.

Happy 17 months, Kate Kate. I love you.

Love always, Mommy

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