Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Doing what's right

While walking home yesterday, I saw a family of 3 walking by. The child was about 3 years old. What was amiss with this seemingly picturesque setting is that one parent was smoking.

Some time ago, I witnessed a similar scene. The parent was carrying the child in a carrier so they were face-to-face and yes, believe it or not, the parent was smoking. With his face a mere centimeters away from his very young child who had to be carried like a baby kangaroo. I was very upset witnessing that scene and despite wanting to, I didn’t get round to expressing my outright displeasure (disbelief & disgust) through writing before. (I did, I remember, share the horrific scene with the husband.)

What I saw yesterday, however, triggered me to have to do this entry. I mean, what is it with these irresponsible people? Do they not understand the impact of their behaviour in front of their children? Kids are young and impressionable and research has demonstrated that youths are more likely to smoke if they have a family member who is also a smoker.

You are a parent. Do you really understand what being a parent means? The responsibility that comes with being the world to a child, who looks to you for direction, guidance, love and comfort? Alright, even if you do not think that their kids may imitate them (yeah rite), do not care of the impact on the young lungs?

I feel enraged. I feel disbelief. I feel… sad.

I feel sad for these parents and caretakers who continue with life without care nor concern on how they impact and shape the next generation. I feel sad for these young children, who grow up with tainted glasses towards the world, thinking that smoking is absolutely okay (it’s not!). I mean, I’m no prude. I have tatts, I used to smoke, I party and drink and I was young (& naughty) once but I wouldn’t impose these traits/lifestyle/habits on my child.

*feels sad

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