Monday, August 13, 2012

My baby little

Once upon a time, when Jake was still merely a seedling, I named him baby little. I didn't know his gender yet, I didn't know anything about him except that he was a seedling and I also remember the husband thinking me silly to call him that. It's stuck and I don't think there's anything wrong with what I used to refer to him as.

Then when we knew he was a boy, the husband and I were elated. We only had one unanimous decision for what to name if we had a son and I'm glad we could use what we decided upon. (We were lucky such that we only had a girl's name when I was pregnant with Kate - lucky us!)

Today, my baby little is no longer that little, in a literal sense. He is exactly 5 months, 2 weeks and 3 days old.

Jake has found his thumb. And pointer. And truth is, he'll stuff all 5 fingers in his mouth, or attempt to. His gums are imprinted with the outline of his bottom two teeth and he will sprout them really, really soon! We stopped giving him the pacifier so now, amidst his constant drool, he stuffs his fist into his mouth. He was on the pacifier for about 3 months, from the time he was 2 months to about 2 weeks ago. We made him quit it. 

Jake can sit in the bumbo chair. He leans to a side, not fully supporting his weight, but straight enough. He doesn't really like the chair though. He arches his back sharply and I worry that he'd pop out and bump his head. When he is contented to sit in it, he just watches us buzz about him and can be content gnawing on something we hand to him. 

Jake now drinks 180ml of milk comfortably each feed. It lasts 4 hours until his next feed. He still wakes up in the night  (groans) several times. I hope it will get better soon. 

Jake loves his sister (the feeling is mutual). That's what I think, anyway. I know so because his face lights up when she talks to him, he keeps his eyes fixated on her when she moves, and they play together already. Kate entertains him by tickling his face, playing peekaboo, hugging and kissing him and singing to him. I love watching them able to interact with each other. I know they'd begin to squabble and all that in time to come, but I think it's lovely to have them siblings bond with each other. I have great siblings and we love each other (hanging out) and it's awesome. I want Kate and Jake to have that kinda awesome relationship too. 

My little muscle man! Haha, love this pic. Isn't he cute?  Little heavyweight in the 75th percentile. At last weigh, he was 8.1kg.

With all the gnawing on inedible stuff, I figured he should be able to eat something. He had his first taste of Rusks (baby biscuits) two days ago and he loved it! He isn't adept at putting the biscuit into his mouth accurately all the time and when he drops the biscuit, he starts to yell murder. He keeps sucking and is aware that there's a new taste in his mouth. 
The latest development of tonight is that he can leopard crawl! It's amazing! He has these strong thighs and I'm glad that he's putting them to good use! Hope I manage to capture a good video of him in action. We have to start child-proofing the house further soon!

In the blink of an eye, our lives have settled into sort of a schedule. There are days that I cannot catch my breath, days that I yell and wanna do nothing but cry due to the frustration and fatigue that I feel. There are also moments that make me tear, when my heart feels like it's a volcano, erupting with all the love and happiness I feel when I'm with my beloved husband, daughter and/or son. But whether it's good times, not-so-good times, fun times or un-fun times, I have a good thing going on and I'm very blessed.

Dear Jake, 

You are a sweetheart beneath that impatient grumpy exterior. I think it's a man thing. My heart lights up when you crack into that flitting smile. I feel immense joy when you respond to me and want me to carry you. I don't like it when you cry and cry - surely we should be able to read you better by now? Or it may just be you telling us loudly and very clearly that we're just not serving you well enough *wry face. I love you my darling baby little, it's been quite a ride and with you developing so well, being more interactive with each passing day, I know we have plenty more beautiful moments to share together.

Love, Mommy

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