Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dear Jake, happy 16 months!

Dear Jake,

Happy 16 months!

Where do I begin? Truly, in a blink of an eye, you have turned from a baby into a toddler – A TODDLER!

Moving about like a very active boy
From walking 6 months ago (SIX MONTHS ago!), you have begun to run lately, and it is the cutest sight to watch you run with your orbs arm swing (I don't know why but your sister used to do that too. Perhaps it helps you balance yourselves?). Though you are generally great in walking already, you do seem to tumble over occasionally. This bit of clumsiness is so endearing. You don't get too bothered about falling over/bumping yourself really. When it hurts, you cry though cease once we show you some concern/distract you with something (so truly, it can't be that painful). Or if it's not even painful (by your own, rather high standards), you just continue with whatever you're doing. I like that you're quite a manly man, rather fuss-free!

Talking like a baby 
You speak quite a lot now, some words more accurately than others. Unless the words are very clear, most people don't get what you're saying unless it's us. My favourite words are Mah-mee (Mommy) and I-rur-ooo (I love you). Important words that will get you everything you want in life… for this time being anyway. Your vocabulary is not bad, though you can improve on your pronunciation. Just for the record… Ball, nor-neeng (morning), Jak (Jake), nartt (night), brad (bread), murk (milk), oh oh (oh oh), NO (no), yeahs (yes), Papa (Papa, usually said in the sweetest voice!), che che (cheche), Tare (Tess, our helper), ee-eeee (yiyi), yeah yeahhhh (yeye), ngai ngah (nainai), book, car, war-tee (water – and you say this in a very cute sing-song repetitive manner) poon (spoon), tarch (touch), nare-not (cannot), WAAHH (wah, at things that you fancy such as when you see the ball pit in the indoor playground/ when you lift the interactive flap books, soo cute)… You just really mimic everything that we say to your best capability and I am very pleased at this development! You're not as chatty as your sister, but I don't expect you to be really, given how your personality is not as loud as hers. Your comprehension level is good and you know how to point to what you want/whinge and you also know how to pull/push us towards your target. 

You now have 4 teeth on top, and 3.5 on the bottom (that 0.5 is still peeking out a bit through the gums, not fully sprouted yet!) and I also spy 2 halves of molars on the bottom right of your gums. You gnaw at everything and anything, just like your sister, much to the annoyance and exasperation of us. 

You are truly my son, and like your sister, have no problems with food at all! Nothing to say in this arena – top points! You are beginning to wanna exercise your independence and create a mess feed yourself and we try to oblige.

nomnomnom (told you he eats well. Eats everything well.)

You are strong and throw a lot of things. We call you "Jake, the destroyer". I don't think you do intentionally, more like you do so because you can. While we do reprimand and spank you, you do not flinch and that's quite astounding. You merely cry or shrink back when you know you're going to punished. You have thrown several things out from the balcony, must to our dismay, and we really need to keep a tighter watch over you! You observe and pretend to cry to get our attention, and you fake-laugh when you see us playing around. Cliché as it is, you really are a BOY and you well, are Jake the destroyer.

Loving you 
You are undeniably, a very adorable boy and continue to charm all around you. Your easy-going and chillax demeanour (when unprovoked/un-angry) is so amusing to watch – a marked difference from your sister who is a typically girly girl who requires maintenance. It is so easy to love you and I wish you will stay still so that I can hug and love you more. Your favourite people are definitely your Papa, cheche, nainai, Aunty Tess and me. It is very easy to love you, my boy. 

You are the best thing I can ever gift your sister, and vice versa and I really hope that you both keep growing closer, loving each other and be there for each other for life. 

Best friends

I am so thankful that I have you in my life and you and your sister really complete the lives of your father and I. Occasionally, you have your clingy moments where you want me to carry you and I really am happy! I'm not shy to say that I'm probably the more needy one in this relationship. I really hope that you will sleep through the night though, you're a big boy already, sleep properly please?

He who doesn't sleep well. Please do baby, please do! And you love your pacifier. Should I be concerned? Maybe... maybe not.

Happy 16 months my dear son. I love you to the moon and back.

Jake, 16 months old.

Love always and forever, Mommy

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