Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Grandma stays over

The MIL is a very quiet, stoic lady. She is also the world's most patient woman, like, ever. I lived with her after I got married and truly, she's a gem who was Kate's main caregiver for the first 2 years of Kate's life. Kate is a very lucky child who received warmth, love and spoils from her paternal grandparents.

A year+ ago, we moved out after the house we bought was built and while I enjoy the space and am thrilled that we have our own place, I do miss the fact that we have more people in the house. Especially with the kids, you can never have too much help.

For the last three days, the MIL came over to stay and it's such a treat! Not just for the kids, who obviously adore the company and fun (all I hear is "mama this" and "mama that"), but for the husband and I too because while we have wonderful help, I do think that nothing beats having family.

Playdoh time. 

Proud Mama watching K work on her craft

I know that the MIL prefers her own home, especially since she's been living there for many years, but I have relayed to her that the doors are always open to our home and that she will come over whenever she feels like to be with us. 

Truly, nothing beats family love.

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