Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Staycation: The Seahs hit RWS

We had planned a getaway with the kids because it's the school holidays. But because it is the school holidays, it was near impossible to book anything (largely because we only started on this one week ago; thus the unavailability). So we made the best of what we had and made it across our own mini link-bridge and headed to Sentosa!

Too much (& probably too boring) to type much, so here's a pictorial chronology of our staycation last weekend, 14 - 15 June 2013.

14 June: We hit the much talked-about Aquarium at RWS

Myriad of beautiful colours. I really enjoyed the aquarium too!

Lunch: it was so crowded but we were patient and scored ourselves a table and queued for food.  The yummiest thing I ate was the Assam Laksa! & yes, Jake was obviously enjoying whatever he was eating *licks bowl

Check-in Hotel Michael. It was a cosy room for 4 of us and the kids always get a kick invading the clean (for not very long) bed. Just for fun, I decided to dress them up in match outfits - these cotton elephant outfits were souvenirs from Krabi, the first time the husband and I went away on a couple trip sans kids. Don't they look cute!

While favourite-nainai didn't stay over with us, she joined us to check out the lovely aquarium. I cannot say enough how lucky the kids are to have nainai in their lives. 

After freshening up, we headed back to the aquarium again! This shot is hilarious. Jake was being his usual sweaty self and that day must have been the start of the bad haze and the husband just let him go topless #toocute #checkoutthatstrut

Our one and only family shot inside the aquarium. Behind us is the ginormous open sea segment. I really loved it! Imagine a quiet, zen-like environment (except when Jake was squealing - oops sorry) where instead of watching a movie, you're watching all these graceful live creatures swimming about in the waters #awesome 

We came out of the aquarium at 6pm. And allowed the kids to conquer the world and run amok, well, just space to their hearts contents.

Very rare occasion where I allowed K to take some chocolate before dinner 

K was very cute - when taking this pic, she said "Mommy, I hold the hand you know?"

After dinner activity - Kate went ballistic with joy at running through the water! "Mommy, I can wet my dress?" I think she really could not believe that I would let her do something so spontaneous. Really makes me think that I ought to chillax more and be less of a boring Mommy #idontwannagrowupeitherbabygirl

This is just a funny pic of my big-bellied boy #1yearoldwithbeerbelly

15 June: Morning milk #siblinglove
We headed out for breakfast #ghetto #kidsinpyjamas #sentosawasourhome #theentireisland
Visiting the merlion - I love watching them both walking side-by-side

All suited up and ready to go!


And because they loved this so much, we went back to let them play and play and play
Nothing beats spending time with the family and I am happy that we did this with the kids. It's also kickass that we have a holiday to look forward to... whee!!!

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