Monday, May 16, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

I was invited to J's school for a celebration. I accepted - how could I not? The event was simple. The children sang some songs (my boy did more hand actions than sing the song, complete with smug/over-compensating his shyness face), and the school organised games for parent and child to interact. It was simple, a modified version of "musical chairs" where instead of sitting on chairs, we stepped on sheets of paper; and there were some blindfolding involved where child/parent had to identify each other.
While the activity and entire morning was not spectacular, what stood out for me was that J was enthusiastically requesting for me to join in the activity at school because he had something prepared for me. There was no way I could refuse and I am so happy that I made time to attend it. I believe it's not the activity per se, but the memory that can be filed away that Mommy made it for Mothers' Day at school that will go a long way. 

A card that J drew with a 'flower'
J told me that (the pink man) was me and I am surrounded by balloons, heart-shaped, no less!

The inside of the card - simple messages are the best.

For the extended version of our Mother's Day celebration at home, we had a steamboat lunch where the siblings chipped in their own parts; and the result was a busy morning of me shopping for food, and a lovely lunch where the family got together to feast. It was nothing elaborate, and we met our intent of having a cosy, non-rushed meal (which was probably the outcome if we had gone out to eat at a restaurant during this occassion).
To end off the afternoon, we engaged in several rounds of board games.

Monopoly Junior, and dessert

Sometimes, it's the simple things that really makes things lovely.
Things have been so hectic this month and I only had time to write about this that took place 2 weeks back, but it's nice to think back on that lovely afternoon where I was surrounded by love.
Happy Mothers Day to my supermom, and to me.

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