Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Flying to another planet

Overheard, a conversation between J and the husband.

J: Papa, I am flying to Neptune
Husband: Oh, then where next?
J: Ok, maybe Mars...

They were whispering, as I was in the room and un-fun Mommy will scold if anyone is caught talking; but I heard enough to know that this was not the first time they had played this game before, and then sometime later, when I got up to use the loo, I peeped at the boy to see this:

Someone had fallen asleep mid-flight
I smiled and marvelled at how much he has grown, at his intelligent conversations and inquisitive nature. I can imagine him pretend flying... until he fell asleep with his arms still open mid-flight.

This morning, I had an adult conversation with my 7yo. I asked her what she does when she feels sad, and she tells me that she will play, or 'go to my room and take deep breaths' - that made me smile because I don't know if she actually does that, but I have definite dished out that piece of advice to her before. She hugged me when I asked her to and I know that I am loved. I do not need to be told.

What are the true gems in life? Do we need the downs and sadness so that the norm seems so much better? Perhaps a timely reminder to evaluate what is most important in our life; how much of our lives do we control, or allow others to impact?

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