Friday, November 16, 2012

Kate and Jake

I never lie when someone asks me "how is it like with two kids?"

"Exponentially harder than having one", I will say.

And it is! Your time is stretched, your attention is stretched, and while in some (little) aspects it is easier (economies of scale), it is generally harder.  But I am also honest and follow-up to say, "But it is absolutely worth it to watch the kids play together. It is priceless"

And it is. I went through pics and found many of them loving each other. It really makes it all worthwhile.

Enjoy the pics!

Dear Kate, 

You will be 3 years, 2 months old tomorrow. 

You are a beautiful child, the best a Mother can ask for. Yes, you have badly behaved moments where you throw tantrums, and cry (& cry & cry) and other trying moments. But that's part of you experimenting, and growing up so I will try my best, to be patient and teach you the right way to behave. 

You are an exceptional sister and it really makes my heart (nearly) stop watching the two of you love each other. Thank you for being the lovely little person that you are. Mommy loves you always, forever. 

Love, Mommy

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