Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jake's day

Started out with his big sister enthusiastically helping him tear open his birthday present!
Kisses for the birthday boy
I brought Jake bird watching - one of his current favourite things to do
Water play! He totally enjoyed himself and showed no fear
Exploring - totally love how he's experimental and absolutely loving water. Definitely should plan more of such play for him
Tired boy all knocked out - he took his nap 3 hours later than normal!
Finally, at night time, we sang him a birthday song. Love how this shot captures his innocence and curiosity/fascination at its best.

Happy birthday, my dear boy. Mommy loves you with all my heart and more.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jake - 365 days old

365 days ago, I was experiencing my first signs of labour symptoms.

I went back and read Jake's birth story and the memory flashes back vividly. I had nearly forgotten some of the details - I'm glad that I made a record. 

I sieve through pictures of my son at his birth, at one day old, at seven days old - and I marvel at how much he has grown and developed since.

Jake @ birth, 3.34kg, 51cm

Dear Jake,

You are such a special boy. It has been an amazing journey with you the past year and I cannot imagine life without you. Your sister and you share this special bond and it never ceases to make me smile when you two connect.

May the two of you love each other forever
You have always been quite a little "man", or in yiyi's words, "meh". Your face, is that of calm. You choose when you flash your smile, or any other expression for that matter. You seem to tell the world "whatever" just being you. You were 6 weeks old before I managed captured a proper, true smile; and when you do, you become the sweetest, most charming boy ever.

The rare, sweet smile 

Truth is, I feel guilty because I don't seem to spend enough time with you. I try my best though, my boy and I hope you know that. I hope that you will always allow me to be in your life in some way or other, because you will always be my child. I will remember how challenging this past year has been, in trying my best, in juggling myself, work, your sister, your father, life, and you (man, I cannot wait for you to outgrow waking up in the night!)... but I wouldn't change a single thing because it's all part of you and it's all meant to be. You were meant to be and you are the sweetest, coolest, loveliest, most adorable little boy. You totally knocked our socks off with your superb psychomotor skills - you are already walking weeks before today!

I love you with all my heart, dear Jake and you truly complete our little family.

Happy birthday sweetie. 

Love, Mommy

Friday, February 22, 2013


Change is a strange thing. It keeps us on our toes, gives us hope. It makes me nervous, pensive, excited. It also makes us sad, brood and reminiscence.

In the past few weeks, quite a bit has been going on in our lives. I hold on to the belief that everything happens for a reason, it's part of life cycle, to face and deal with challenges and news, both good & bad.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


At the end of the day, family is really what truly matters. And what it's all about.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baby steps

Just for the record, Jake took his first independent steps this week. He is 11.5months old. On Monday (11/2), to be exact. I was holding his hand, and with prior knowledge that he can walk (but possibly no confidence to do so or he's just lazy), I let him try walking towards me like a game. He sought me with outstretched arms and giggled with glee, enjoying the game. I say he treats it like a game because he chooses when to walk or otherwise; which shows that he's choosing when to walk, or not.

The other milestone is that he is beginning to utter words. His vocabulary consists of his favourite things : mum mum (food, me), bye bye (he loves to go gaigai), papa, burd (bird, while pointing to the sky/looking up), woah woah (bark like a dog), aarh (it's like a scream, which he says is a cats meow)

My baby is growing up well.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kate & school

It's been a month since Kate's started school and I'm so happy to share that she is thoroughly enjoying herself - hooray!

She comes home with stories of her friends (her good friends are Shiloh & Shanae, Benjamin is the "naughty one" and the next name that pops up is Judith). I've checked the name list when I last visited the school and am happy and proud to say that those are indeed her classmates and none of them imaginary nor wrong!

She's at this stage where she's gaining independence and is (sometimes annoyingly over-) enthusiastic in wanting to do things by herself. I do want to encourage this behaviour and have to remind myself that she's only a child and I ought to be happy with her enthusiasm. Though I want to pull my hair out when she does a messy/slow job cos it's just tiring to have to do more in her bid to try. For example, she'll insist on wearing her own shoes and socks when she's running late to board the school bus. Ggrrrr. Note to self: be more patient!

I'm a big girl, I can wear by myself ok?

I love how she breaks out into new songs randomly at home - her new learnings include CNY songs (which obviously we do not sing at home - in truth, I think the husband and I don't even know a proper CNY song), the national anthem (her current favourite and we are treated to bits and pieces and whole parts of the song all day and night - she really really loves singing it! & we are treated to Majulah Singapura around the clock. Repeatedly. ) and prayers (May God bless you!)

The husband and I are not religious beings but we are aware that the school is Christian and we have no issues at all that she's being exposed to religion. But it is terribly amusing because she's started going on and on with bits of prayers she's learnt to say in school and the "blessings" she bestows upon everyone at home is in abundant and terribly cute.

My girl in her favourite number one seat in the classroom

Dear Kate, you are such an adorable little child. I'm glad that you enjoy yourself so much in school and that you're making friends and learning new things daily. I hope this enthusiasm for learning continues long into your life and may you be happy with new discoveries and knowledge each day. 

Love, Mommy

Monday, February 4, 2013

11-months old

Jake Seah, January 2013.
Kate Seah, August 2010