Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dear Jake

Dear Jake, 

In a couple of day's time, you will turn 14 months. 

People who see you exclaim that you're "so cute!" & "such a big boy!" & are surprised that you're only 14 months old. I think it's mostly because you are indeed very adorable, and while I don't think that you're particularly big physically, I think people forget how little you are because you are walking. You have amazed us all with your exceptional psychomotor skills and I still get such a kick out of you waddling around with your fat diaper butt and teeny feet. You're growing up so quick!

Your personality is pretty much different from Kate's – you're definitely a lot more chillax than she is, very "man". Your favourite thing in the world has got to be going gaigai and every day, you are the first to head and reach the door, holding onto your shoes and waiting to be "let out". 

First in line
Unfortunately, we cannot bring you everywhere we go and oh boy, do you cry the house down when you're left behind! Poor boy – but really, dear ah boy, you truly cannot possibly be out all day – the day will come when you're independent enough to be heading out anytime all day so until then, be patient ok? 

You are truly an angel when we do bring you out. You love just sitting comfortably in the pram and looking about – observing the world go by, yelling out "bird!" when you spot them. You're not very clear in your speech yet -  you say these more clearly – Papa (in the sweetest way - I'm admittedly jealous!), mum mum (food), ball, bird, bye bye (with a wave), oh-oh (you say these at the right time always – after a mishap or doing something you know you're not meant to!) hi, murk (milk). And these we have come to understand – too (shoe), neh–not (cannot), pear (please), bad (bread), nehnai (nainai), yahyah (yeye), eeee (for both a stink or yiyi), tear (Tess), far-rer (flower). 

Your comprehension is pretty good – you understand what we want of you though you choose only to execute when your mood is right. And you know to ask for milk when you want it, you point to the yaoyao when you want to sleep, you point to the kitchen cupboards asking for biscuits/snacks, you are able to identify people (Papa, Mommy, Nainai, Yeye, Mama, Cheche, Aunty Tess, Yiyi), and some body parts (head, nose). You recently learnt how to dance and the way you cock your head to the side and move your body is hilarious!

You are a true boy who endeavours to destroy things. I'm not sure how much of this is intentional – perhaps you just have great strength – but besides nearly causing your sister to bald (by pulling her hair so hard!), you also spoil things by throwing them on the ground or mishandling them with your brute strength (you are either very strong for a one-year-old, or all toys must surely not be hardy enough). We have broken aeroplanes, or toys that no longer make music because of you. Also why we have aptly named you "the destroyer". 

Your three favourite people in the world has to be your Papa, Cheche and Nainai. I love watching you and Kate hug and play with each other. You follow her about, she follows you around, and I really look forward to the times when both of you will be able to interact more with each other and be there for each another in years to come, forever.

One of your favourite people in the world
You have a nasty temper and I hope you find a way of expressing your frustration better. Truly, at one, you really don't hold back when you are upset. You scream and cry (very loudly), you sit down and throw a fit, your teardrops fall down your face in big water droplets – oh, the drama!

Throwing a spat
Your sleeping pattern is still not ideal – you go to bed by 9pm after a bottle, and you wake up for another feed between 1-2am. On a good night, you wake up at 5-6am for the next feed and you're usually up after. On a bad night, you will be awake at 4am and you wish to play. Horror! I am leaving Papa to look after you at night time (with the help of Aunty Tess) because I am just too tired. We've had our time together in your first year when I was breastfeeding you!

You are a beautiful boy with a ready cheeky smile and everyone who meets you is charmed – even when you're all sweaty and hot. 

I love you, my sweaty cheeky lil boy

I love you my baby boy. Happy 14-months-old.

Love always, Mommy

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