Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Boxing Day Fun in Malaysia

Boxing day: pre-0700 hours
The girls are obviously more morning people
Slight drizzle, some traffic leading to the causeway

By the time we reached our destination, it was lunch. Everyone was slightly cranky, slightly tired, slightly excited, slightly hungry. I remember feeling a lot grimy and slightly disorientated.

The husband must be feeling a lot disorientated because he did something that even he cannot believe he did. #notIsayonehedid

We checked in to our 'home' for the night and it was pretty much relaxation time. Some of us (me!) signed up for a massage. I spent 2 hours in true bliss. By the time I emerged from knead heaven, the kids had already made themselves comfortable in the home.

One, two, three....there were 9 kids in all (not everyone is pictured)
Three dragon boys
Nothing like steamboat to warm the cockles of our heart & tummies
Post-dinner, we headed back and there was a surprise activity organised. 

Firecrackers fun!

Then we headed back to do some gift exchange - the highlight of the children's night!

8 pictured. Still missing one big boy.

Happy Christmas!
Here's all of us.
The adults spent the night (post-putting-kids-to-sleep) doing our gift exchange. It was pretty fun, and surprisingly, for the first time ever, I stayed up to chat and went to bed the same time as my husband, the regular last-man-standing.

The next morning...

Breakfast of champions: eggs, caffeine, and otah-bread (it was so yums!)

Look at this boy go!
He has mild allergy to half-boiled eggs so we stopped him from eating it this way. It's always usually fully cooked. But because we couldn't prepare the eggs, we allowed him to eat them and he was in feeling egg-tastic.

Kampong kias

We spent the next few hours running errands. Supermarket run for the Mommies and children, car-wash for the Daddies. Then while the rest of the other families headed off for a late lunch, our family started our drive back to Singapore.

Putting Papa's Christmas gift to good use.
The trip was short, but pretty fine I say.

It's a feat to have everyone leave Singapore together, so I say CHEERS to us all! One baby did not come along, and one set of Mommy-and-daughter are not pictured. But it's still a fun time and I think we can definitely try to do this again. 

One Christmas worthy to remember, one where we drove across to Malaysia altogether.

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