Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Family Funday at LEGO

Sometime mid-year, I started a new job. I had not talked about it expressly, but it did happen. Along with a change in environment, I also started some new habits such as bringing my own food from home; checking out new running routes, a new breakfast style. Beyond this new set of newness, came a new routine and that took me a couple of months to get used to. The changes were exciting, and mostly great. I tried very hard through the interview process and after six gruelling rounds, I made it. Five months into the job, I'm still thrilled to be part of this amazing organisation! So last weekend, when LEGO organised a family day to show our loved ones our working space, I was beyond thrilled.
This lovely Saturday rolled along and after dropping K at her class, J and I made our way leisurely to the office first. The husband and I decided to divide and conquer and stagger our visit to the office to optimise our time. 
In the lifts, going up!
Warm welcome by Kai (ninja from Ninjago) and our signature Lego mini-figurine
(not that mini on this day)

Writing his own name on his tag
His favourite spot and sport. This boy spent most of his time at this table!

If I left it up to J, he would have been happy playing foosball all day. I had to coax, cheat and lure him away from the table.

Craft activity
Bricks galore!

Colouring activity

Watching a cartoon

After going through all those activities, K just about joined us and after feeding everyone, the husband and I split duties and he then stayed guardian to J while I brought K on the activity frenzy.
Getting a balloon

The girl wanted to try the craft but the room was too croweded, and when we rounded back the second time they had run out of the templates, so no more activity for K. She was slightly bummed out but I reminded her that we had other activities we could accomplish.

Mini build area
One of the highlights of the day was that LEGO had engaged master builder to the office to demonstrate a quick session on how to create a mini build. I had no idea what the build was and was excited to attend with K. Turned out, we were building a mini carousel!
Love her face of concentration!

So proud of my little girl - she completed 90% of it all by herself

Jumping castle

By this time, it was nearly time to go and I hurried to let the children do what they wanted to for the last time. K spent it at the jumping castle, while J continued to stay at his roots (foosball table). Then after we collected our door gifts, I requested for the children to do one last task - to decorate my locker door.

Drawing on the door - yup the mess on the ground is all ours!
Their masterpiece. K did the writing and J drew "our family four people"

The end.

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