Thursday, October 20, 2016

A momentous occasion: the husband graduates!

4 years. That's the amount of time it took for the husband to complete his undergraduate studies; and after accompanying him through the journey of his classes, tutorials and late night assignments, he is finally done with school. Everyone say, HOORAY!

Truth is, the husband has always been so busy with work and/or school that I had nearly forgotten what it was like when he was home just playing the role of husband/father. Random things I remember include revising with him for his exams in the initial years; attending a lesson with him once before (yes, I went into the lecture hall with him), swinging by school for him to pick up his school books, asking for his school schedule so that I'd know when he'd be late in coming home, him taking block leave from work to study for his exams, his coffee-drinking-day-and-night-become-the-same-periods as he studied late into the night and slept in the day, his hibernation periods at the library....

A key take-out I have from him being such a busy person, is that I have grown increasingly independent. Not to say that I enjoy doing things alone, it's definitely better to have a partnership and I welcome the husband back into our daily lives. Not that him being busy has changed... but hey. Small steps in achievements, big results with being flexible and maintaining some sense of sanity in our lives...

To celebrate his graduation, I initiated a dinner for us two. Nothing too fancy, a date night, with a legitimate reason to fill our tummies and enjoy a new experience at a restaurant we had never been to together before.

Celebratory dinner - it was not bad, the food was fine, the ambience was a bit dark, but it was a nice time for us two nonetheless. We planned it for the eve of the convocation.

Celebratory graudation dinner + date night

The convocation was held at the school compounds and it was quite a regular affair. With two tickets only, the husband invited his mom and I to the event with him.
Proud Mom
With me
The convocation itself is just a ceremony, and I felt very proud of the husband for his achievements. Truly, it's not easy balancing everything and for him to accomplish it is definitely commendable. Having said that, I am glad that he's done with this and I am so happy to say, Congratulations baby! Woot!

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