Friday, October 14, 2016

Uno obsession

I think it's a set of UNO cards that belongs to the sister. The children started playing it (J being the more blur between the two) at my mom's house, then they became so keen on it they brought the cards back two weekends ago.

Since then, I think they have played it with me/the husband/each other/the helper/anyone they can locate within a radius of 3metres - only like, I don't know, maybe something around the count of 4,852 times.

Another night of UNO
I don't think it's bad. It's an excellent source of entertainment, that takes them away from screen time (be it TV or tablet) which is super. The downside is that they have developed bad habits like cheating (a. they always want the +4 and manipulates the card distribution so they get it; by that I mean they openly cheat by looking at the cards and taking what they want! b. they brazenly peep at others' cards); but after several rounds of severe telling off, they are a bit better. I try to tell them the joy is playing and not only about winning. Tough when truly, the human nature is competitive and we all do wish to win.

From playing UNO, I also see the way their minds operate. J is still young and simple,  he doesn't play it properly always (he messes his cards up because he doesn't see the macro picture) and K is the older one who is way more aware of how the game should be played.

This UNO exercise is very healthy and I quite like it. Even after I have to play it the 4,853th time.

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