Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Anecdotes of J and K

Masterpiece by J
The other evening, we were on the subject of bookmarks and J decided to draw something for me. 'I make a bookmark for you, Mommy' he said.

So, we are holding hands and that (in pink) is a shooting star. He also delighted in writing
my name, and paper-stamping out the star/ribbon shapes.
If you notice, the above piece of paper has a cut-out. The reason why there is a cut out is because he was not happy with something he wrote, and was throwing a fit. In a bid to damage control, I suggested that he remove the supposedly offensive mistake. Then, as if he changed his mind/ had another idea, he picked it up and continued to draw on it; then handed it to me as another bookmark.

I am actually using this. It's quite handy!

Writing by K
K received a card for her birthday from the insurance company. She had been looking forward to a meal at Swensens' with the voucher she received, and we ought to bring her soon. Anyhow, I spotted this the other evening and it made me laugh.
It is me! I am the birthday girl. Me me me!
Truly, she was such a happy child on her birthday and we chatted about her favourite moments of the day, and unsurprisingly, she cited the hours she spent when her friends were around to play with her. She questioned me of my favourite moments and before I could answer, she said, 'I know! It's after my friends left and when all the adults were sitting around, right?' (Such a clever one, this girl)

Instead of lying to her, I said, 'Yes darling, that was one of my favourite parts, because I could relax and hang out with the family. But the other favourite part was watching you and seeing how happy you are. When you are happy, it makes me very happy too.'

Ahh, sometimes they are so sweet and know so much, don't they?

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